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Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:22 pm
by Ivor
jkeny wrote:
Ivor wrote: I would once again urge people to use the "ignore" option wisely. It solves 99% of the problem.
Thanks, Ivor but I don't ignore people - I thought Julf's post deserved an answer & his MO exposed rather than just ignoring it.

You're a 1% er ;)

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:50 pm
by jkeny
Ivor wrote:
jkeny wrote:
Ivor wrote: I would once again urge people to use the "ignore" option wisely. It solves 99% of the problem.
Thanks, Ivor but I don't ignore people - I thought Julf's post deserved an answer & his MO exposed rather than just ignoring it.

You're a 1% er ;)
There will always be 1%ers on every forum - it's enough for him when he visits the other forums that he visits, spreading his particular form of negative commentary (reminds me of a dog who visits the same places every day & pisses in each one, leaving his smell behind). Add up those 1% replies & it gives him the pleasure he seeks. I agree with Tony, it's sad I know!

I believe what he gets his pleasure from being able to stay on the right side of the forum rules while at the same time pissing people off. Look at his banning on CA where when confronted he played an innocent "just someone asking questions". It was only when enough people complained about him & his transparent tactics that he was banned.

Edit: I believe incitement is detrimental to a forum & should get a mod's warning with eventual banning if the behaviour continues (better than telling everyone to ignore him)

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:03 pm
by cvrle59
"There will always be 1%ers on every forum - it's enough for him when he visits the other forums that he visits, spreading his particular form of negative commentary (reminds me of a dog who visits the same places every day & pisses in each one, leaving his smell behind). Add up those 1% replies & it gives him the pleasure he seeks. I agree with Tony, it's sad I know!

I believe what he gets his pleasure from being able to stay on the right side of the forum rules while at the same time pissing people off. Look at his banning on CA where when confronted he played an innocent "just someone asking questions". It was only when enough people complained about him & his transparent tactics that he was banned."


Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:05 pm
by jkeny
Oh, meant to say - the latest version of JLP sounds great - haven't compared it to MQN though or listened on my main rig

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:01 pm
by tony
LowOrbit wrote:Putting all this peripheral shenanigans firmly aside I have just loaded up the latest versions of Squeezelight and PA. I have not been arsed with the faff of making SL run as a service (though may do another day).

I have to say this sounds like a bit of a leap forward. I heard something special when I dropped these new versions onto the study PC via the headphones, so I stole ten minutes to get them running on the main system. Very, very worthwhile.

Thanks again Gordon.

I shall refrain from posting on CA (just don't feel like rejoining the fray).

Ah great to see another lazy head like me the hassle of SL as a service is just too much for me tonight with such miserable bad weather outside. Will drag myself down to the hifi and give the new version a whirl. Agree re CA just can't summon the effort to go to that forum it is too faceless and vast.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:56 pm
by Julf
jkeny wrote:Are you just stirring it again? We all know what he means even if it is hyperbole.
I don't. That's why I am asking.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:16 pm
by tony
Had a go at version25 /portaudio v19. Assuming it still has an effect changed settings to 260:800 and it is getting close to my favoured version
of MQn. So far just using one track Ella Fitzgerald I love Paris and voice sounds very close. The little piano? pings at the beginning were smeared in earlier versions but now have the nice ring that MQn brings. Still think it is not quiet there but will spend more time with it and see.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:45 am
by erin
jkeny wrote: I believe incitement is detrimental to a forum & should get a mod's warning with eventual banning if the behaviour continues (better than telling everyone to ignore him)
I strongly agree with your idea. Incitement on a forum is the equivalent of breaching the peace when out in the street. If a police officer found you breaching the peace you would be moved on or arrested. (depeding upon the country)

I strongly believe in freedom of speech, and freedom of ideas, but at the same time, people really ought to have the self discipline, and due respect for others, and respect for the "vibe" or environment of a forum, to know when to post their thought, or whether to send their thought as a PM (personal message) to the person they are directing it at.

I see nothing wrong with anyone expressing any view no matter how crazy or extreme, ( if done publicly and at the wrong time, its highly likely those who are witness to the expression will judge it and him/her for what it is, and who they are) but there is a time and place for it. I have no problems with moderators on any forum, using discression to maintain the peace.

The ability for a mod to ban a person from posting on a particular thread might be a good idea, rather than banning from the entire forum? The equivalent of moving someone on who has breached the peace?

Mods, feel free to delete my post if it is inappropriate.

all the best.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:02 am
by cvrle59
erin wrote:
jkeny wrote: I believe incitement is detrimental to a forum & should get a mod's warning with eventual banning if the behaviour continues (better than telling everyone to ignore him)
I strongly agree with your idea. Incitement on a forum is the equivalent of breaching the peace when out in the street. If a police officer found you breaching the peace you would be moved on or arrested. (depeding upon the country)

I strongly believe in freedom of speech, and freedom of ideas, but at the same time, people really ought to have the self discipline, and due respect for others, and respect for the "vibe" or environment of a forum, to know when to post their thought, or whether to send their thought as a PM (personal message) to the person they are directing it at.

I see nothing wrong with anyone expressing any view no matter how crazy or extreme, ( if done publicly and at the wrong time, its highly likely those who are witness to the expression will judge it and him/her for what it is, hand who they are) but there is a time and place for it. I have no problems with moderators on any forum, using discression to maintain the peace.

The ability for a mod to ban a person from posting on a particular thread might be a good idea, rather than banning from the entire forum? The equivalent of moving someone on who has breached the peace?

Mods, feel free to delete my post if it is inappropriate.

all the best.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:04 am
by erin
sbgk wrote: That gun picture was a cut down from a no trespassing sign, doesn't really belong in any forum I want to be part of.
I somewhat feel the same way as sbgk. For the reason that if my neighbour put that picture in my letterbox, I'd be worried, and probably calling the police. I'd view that as a threat.

The humour wasnt lost on me. I got it. I even had a chuckle. But violence is a major problem in all societies. We can probably do without it on this forum.