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Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:26 am
by tony
Sloop John B wrote:Or else the vinyl brigade jump in!
I do think this thread is gentle ribbing of known predilections rather than an assault on Everyman Hifi, but I do know where you're coming from.
Definitely provocation by the dinosaurs :) I thought Nigels Happy meal was very apt!
Gerry needs to spend a few weeks battling on PFM and Wigwam that will toughen him up. This is pre school with rose petal love bombing and maybe an odd big mac.

Is this bluesound thing the same or similar to Squeezebox touch type arrangement? I can see the attraction, half decent SQ but so convenient and thousand of radio stations thrown in and now this spotify and Tidal etc to access music.
Sometimes this depends ones circumstances or the time in life. When the kids were very young convenience was so important. I enjoyed an arcam idock, Squeezebox and a second pair of speakers in the kitchen with a switching unit from the hifi.
Then I met JohnK, Pearse, Nigel etc and lost my way amid a tangle of wires,smoking batteries,software,brass chunks and grey rfi paper. Never looked back sure the whole squeezebox thing was too easy this was more like going for the Jane fonda burn.

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:12 am
by Diapason
Sure it's the audiophile way, Gerry!

"Should I buy this reasonably-priced product that does exactly what I need?"

"NO! You should buy this other collection of products that doesn't *quite* do what you want it to do, is 5 times the price, far more hassle, and nobody else in your house will be able to use it. It will almost certainly sound better than the product you want to buy, although obviously I haven't heard that and in fact have no direct experience of it whatsoever."

:) :)

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:17 pm
by nige2000
Gerry D wrote:Maybe it's me ? But as with most things digital on this forum it gets to be a somewhat technology based conversation on something that started off, in the General section, as a simple quest for opinions on a particular piece of branded kit.
I'm remembering now why I gave up on a few other forums that seem to be favoured by those who feel that these threads are fair game as a vehicle to negatively compare accessible kit to hobbyist DIY stuff and in the meantime ward off folks that were looking forward to comment on the original subject and maybe then make some informed decisions.

Maybe I'm all wrong about this. Sorry if that is so.
Or maybe I'm just bored rigid by CA geek speak and that's why I don't stray into those topics.

Hugs and Kisses, Gerry

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well since you actually own the device in question and if it holds up to the vinyl setup it cant be too shabby

i must admit i had entered the discussion a little self il-informed,
i had presumed simon was looking at this for a top slot in the man cave
initially i had just some concerns

i hadn't realised it was so multi functioned cd player/streamer/storage/dac/amp until i was finished my rant on the pitfalls of streaming devices as far as sound quality is concerned

that said i never made comparisons to any diy/hobby kit ?

i had quoted a review (that was very favourable mostly)
that had a good reference point in it
stating that the internal dac was not as good using the same bluesound device with either an external m2tech young dac or chord hugo
but more importantly using the bluesound device as a source on these external dacs was inferior to using a macbook as source (which is a reasonably common reference point)

i can't really see how or why my concerns would ward off others from joining the discussion

however my bit of tinkering has led to a bit of insight of why digital sounds the way it does
but i understand if you don't believe or trust my thoughts

but banishing technology based conversation to the CA section seems a little extreme to my mind

i thought the point of these threads was to have an open discussion from all points of view and experiences?

certainly not my intention to get up peoples noses

hopefully peace and harmony will prevail

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:41 pm
by Diapason
We're good, Nige, I think Sloop nailed it with "gentle ribbing of known predilections". As always, that's where I am on pretty much any internet discourse! Nearly everything I write is written with a smile, I hope.

The ubiquity of home-brew CA discussion on this site can be overwhelming for the rest of us at times, though, so I know where Gerry's coming from there. As an example, if I were interested in high-end commercially available streamers or similar, I probably wouldn't bother asking about them here as I'd expect the thread to get rail-roaded pretty quickly. That's ok, I know it's borne out of enthusiasm, c'est la vie etc., but it's true nonetheless.

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:06 pm
by nige2000
Diapason wrote:We're good, Nige, I think Sloop nailed it with "gentle ribbing of known predilections". As always, that's where I am on pretty much any internet discourse! Nearly everything I write is written with a smile, I hope.
definitely so
best kept light hearted, bit of banter and a few honest opinions
The ubiquity of home-brew CA discussion on this site can be overwhelming for the rest of us at times, though, so I know where Gerry's coming from there. As an example, if I were interested in high-end commercially available streamers or similar, I probably wouldn't bother asking about them here as I'd expect the thread to get rail-roaded pretty quickly. That's ok, I know it's borne out of enthusiasm, c'est la vie etc., but it's true nonetheless.
not sure having contrasting opinion constitutes rail-roading

So for PR should we use the "does my bum look fat in this dress" philosophy ?

No.... lovely my dear... perfect in every way

or should we direct specific questions to forums that will provide the answer required ?

seems a little silly

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:27 pm
by Diapason
nige2000 wrote: not sure having contrasting opinion constitutes rail-roading

So for PR should we use the "does my bum look fat in this dress" philosophy ?

No.... lovely my dear... perfect in every way

or should we direct specific questions to forums that will provide the answer required ?

seems a little silly
It's not about contrasting opinions, it's more about not actually responding to the question asked.
If somebody says "I want to get the best out of computer audio, what should I do?" then have at it.
If somebody says "What's your opinion on this streamer?" well...that's a bit different.

But let's be frank, if I came on here and said I was thinking about buying a streamer costing 5k to replace my CD player, and did anyone have any opinions on said streamer, I would utterly expect that thread to turn into a discussion of computer audio and what I should do instead. I would expect that irrespective of whether posters had heard the streamer or not.

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:25 pm
by nige2000
making a mountain out of a mole hill

Only said i was skeptical on steaming devices for what i thought was intended for a top notch audio solution

And then linked a review i thought might be of interest with sensible comparisons

I cant see why that would cause this sort of friction

However It obvious there is deep resentment against the computer audio section and me

Ill stay out of where im not wanted.....
At least until im finished sulking

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:43 pm
by Diapason
Right so. I'll leave it to others to decide between mountain and molehill, but it certainly reads like you're taking this pretty personally, which wasn't my intention. As such, there's probably not much upside in continuing down this road.

If anyone has any further thoughts about the Bluesound Node 2, or similar, I'd be delighted to hear them.

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:53 pm
by Ivor
nige2000 wrote:
I cant see why that would cause this sort of friction

However It obvious there is deep resentment against the computer audio section and me

Ill stay out of where im not wanted.....
At least until im finished sulking

Ah now... I'm not sensing any friction, not-so-gentle ribbing maybe but certainly not friction.

As for "deep resentment"?
There are people who resent anything that isn't classical.
There are people who resent anything that isn't analogue.
There was even resentment to having Classified Ads.

By its nature none of it is deep (in any sense!) and I have never noticed resentment toward any individuals. If people aren't interested in a particular topic/forum then stay out of it. Simples.

There's some grain of truth in saying that a question on how best to connect a PC to a system will go off course and get very technical but... this is in the nature of free flowing internet forums... they are organic and the sum of their members. A poster can always drag the conversation back to the original topic anyway. I'd hate to see a type regimen whereby anyone going off topic is beaten about the head and face and made use a shameful avatar (I may be exaggerating there).

Now... Group fucking hug.

Re: Bluesound

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:59 pm
by Diapason
Ivor wrote: Now... Group fucking hug.