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Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:26 pm
by nige2000
Aleg wrote:
nige2000 wrote:
esr a problem?
funny i thought about that earlier if the regenerator couldnt keep up to speed with the variable current draw it would sound flat

so everything would sound dull and flat hmmm
could be a bad trade

is there not something similar to a regenerator used in industry for something like welders
where esr shouldn't be an issue
In situations where the isolating, symmetrizing transformer worked the humming was caused by DC offset on the AC.
It may not need to be symmetric, just a 1:1 isolating transformer coud/should do it as well.
yes i would think a 1:1 transformer could be as effective

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:50 pm
by james ... ter_e.html

tnt-audio looked at BT Mains Conditioner Unit [available as a surplus item and thus very cheap].

Their final conclusions ..

"....The BT mains filters available on internet sale and auction sites have a definite role for audiophiles. Like every other filter this author has ever tested, they improve sound quality dramatically as long as they are connected to devices other than the audio components behind auditioned. The sole exception to this rule is the one audio component that benefits, if it alone is connected via a BT mains filter, the PC server (MacBooks too) or hard drive

The well connected audiophile will do well to by one or two of these bargains to try around the house. At this price they can be resold if they do not work, with minimal loss to the experimenter.

The BT mains filters are effective at preventing noise increase on house ring mains from the electrical items connected to it. At this money they can be recommended. Like all other mains filters your old scribe has tried, they should have no place in the audio system direct supply except to protect the rest of the system from noise pollution caused by hard drive servers and their ilk. ...."

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:22 pm
by DaveF
I ordered the 1500 watt version earlier this evening. Dont think I can go wrong with this purchase and makes sense given the mains symptoms I've experienced here from time to time.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:35 pm
by Diapason
Good decision I think. You'll sleep easier in your bed.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:51 pm
by tony
Too relaxed to check out transformers ala Aleg but the regenerator imho has not diminished the sound of my system.
It is an industrial product at industrial prices not Hifi prices and I think might be regarded as a hidden gem.
There is a monstrous system trying to break out in Dave's teach and the regen is going to very much help it on its way

Knowing Dave the Wadia kit will be onsite by the weekend for testing. Regardless of whether it has crappy sanyo cd rom bits the wadia men
seem to have the magic pixie dust that the meitner dac also possesses. Is that the kit that Adam (Sima66) has? If so you will need to send it off to some place in the states to have anti vibration paint and myriad other upgrades to bring the purchase price back up closer to €20k!

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:01 pm
by DaveF
tony wrote: Knowing Dave the Wadia kit will be onsite by the weekend for testing.
Not a flippin chance of that happening! :-)

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:47 pm
by tony
DaveF wrote:
tony wrote: Knowing Dave the Wadia kit will be onsite by the weekend for testing.
Not a flippin chance of that happening! :-)
Frantic bets being taken in the background here so we are counting on you making the right decison here Dave??

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:33 pm
by DaveF
So an AG1500 unit arrived this afternoon. Just after setting it up and will let the system warm up for an hour or so before I sit down to judge it properly. Nice sounds already from the CD I've spinning away at the mo. That vibration on the TT pulley motor housing has practically disappeared now.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:32 pm
by sebna
I assume you will do the comparison of the system with and without it in ABA fashion.

Looking forward to your opinion.


Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:45 pm
by DaveF
sebna wrote:I assume you will do the comparison of the system with and without it in ABA fashion.

Looking forward to your opinion.

I dont think the 1500 unit has a bypass mode? ABA comparisons with and without the unit will be a pain as I've also got the Jadis plugged into it so power cycling that several times is probably not wise.
This afternoon the input voltage is being reported as being just over 242v which isnt so bad but I'll check again in the evening when all the kettles and cookers come on.