Re: Magazines and negative reviews
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:16 pm
Even on its own merits, I thought the Stereomojo review was worthless (I think it was on the "JKenny Audio Ciúnas DAC and Ciúnas SPDIF" thread at From recollection, two things stood out to me: 1) DeHann didn't specify the associated equipment, something which is a standard in reviewing, so there's no way to evaluate for the strengths/weakness of other equipment, let alone possible interactions, and 2) his evaluation of the Ciunas relative to other dacs was based entirely on memory, not direct comparison. Since in my brief experience Stereomojo had seemed to do decent reviews, I wrote the editor at the time, wondering why he had published it. DeHann being a first time reviewer is no excuse for such a sloppy job.