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Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:23 pm
by nige2000
sbgk wrote:
tony wrote:
Not tonight I am afraid but will definitely do my homework tomorrow.
it's not work if it's your hobby

listening to Claire Martin's Too much in love to care on 24/96, heard her live last year and with 2.55 this is the first time it has sounded like a live set, the sounds of the vocal, piano, bass and drums are much more distinct and you can hear how the songs are constructed. Not sure if kernel streaming would add anything more, but it's sounding very good with just wasapi.
on the couple of tracks i compared 2.55 to 100000 it seemed better
i think thats the sort of sound the guys are looking for
the magic is in real factor
will report back when i do more listening


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:50 am
by sima66
I did a brief comparation, but a long listening and enjoying!
The new avx 2.55 it's like a 20 years old Slivovitza, rich and smooth and asking for more! ;-)
Honestly, I don't know what it can be added or changed, or if is possible to get better?! Maybe just the 32 bits version, if is not to much to ask (again). :(

Thanks Gordon!


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:15 pm
by Ken Moreland
AVX 255 works beautifully for me using Control 100000 on all sample rates except 24/192. It will play this sample rate using Control R1.4. I don't have a great deal of material in 24/192 but the sound is definitely better using Control 100000. Is this fixable or something to have to live with?


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:24 pm
by jesuscheung
right now using 2012. r2.55 cannot work.

even though 100000 hates me, i manage to get 200000 to work. haha

have people forgotten the good old mqn.exe without any sse, avx?
it was the best live vinyl tune real music. sse, avx had never been as vinyl+real live like.

using it on speakers at decent volume at a distance, i still love it the most.
(with headphones can hear too many little flaws)

I stand corrected. forgotten there was this wonderful mqn2.51 rax no zi. also is vinyl real live musical


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:35 pm
by jesuscheung
after 2.7x, the sound has gone to more refined higher res. several versions had been really musical too.
the style has changed for the better or worse. there is more gain than loss.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:07 pm
by sbgk
uploaded sse2 2.59, just a small tweak to the build settings and alignment.

Would adding a polarity switch screw up the sound?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:27 pm
by wademcinnis
Polarity is important for getting the best sound.

Way back when I asked cics to add this to cPLAY and when he did he was surprised by the difference the BEST polarity can make to playback. Like many he had dismissed the idea until actually using it and learning how to hear the difference. Once you "hear" this you want some way to change polarity.

If doing this would interfere with what is great about MQN please dismiss my request but if it could be done benignly it sure would be a good addition.

Better to do it before the DAC than having to use a switch after the DAC but the switch is fine if it is best not to do it within MQN.

Re: Would adding a polarity switch screw up the sound?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:37 pm
by Aleg
wademcinnis wrote:Polarity is important for getting the best sound.

Way back when I asked cics to add this to cPLAY and when he did he was surprised by the difference the BEST polarity can make to playback. Like many he had dismissed the idea until actually using it and learning how to hear the difference. Once you "hear" this you want some way to change polarity.

If doing this would interfere with what is great about MQN please dismiss my request but if it could be done benignly it sure would be a good addition.

Better to do it before the DAC than having to use a switch after the DAC but the switch is fine if it is best not to do it within MQN.

I must admit never pay much attention to this, but I read on other sites that many recordings have been produced with the wrong polarity and one should always check for each recording what is the correct polarity {which I don't because I forget and now have no possibility to do, but previously with JPlay you could change polarity}.

Would be a nice feature, as would be 32-bit containers for high-res :-()




Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:28 pm
by tony
Don't trust my ears anymore but 2.55 with v100000 works great for me. Initial try with 2.59 sounded a bit flatter and closed in but just made snap decision and settled back into 2.55 track after track. All sounds perfect no matter what I try.


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:42 pm
by Sligolad
2.55 with control v100000 is my endgame as well Tony, I think it will occupy my "MQN Best" folder for the foreseeable future :-)