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Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:45 pm
by DJ le Roi
Hello SBGK, Thanks for your beautiful software. It's very good. Two questions. I have an AMD A6 3650 processor and I am using the 2.59 SSE2 version. Is this the best version for my processor? And, is there a difference in sound quality between SSE2 and SSE4 versions? In other words, can I get better sound quality with a SSE4 computer? Thanks!


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:53 pm
by Clive101
jesuscheung wrote:
Clive101 wrote: My CPU is an Intel Core i5 2500T which is quad core SSE4 and running Windows 8.1 64 bit. My DAC is a dCS Debussy connected via on board USB. It doesn't have any drivers as it uses the Mirosoft USB driver. I have had this working with JPLAY5.1 and JRIVER Kernel streaming and JRIVER via WSAPI all fine.

In Windows I can see the dCS as a sound device and it plays fine and have tested it via JRiver and it plays in all modes (ie Kernel streaming, WSAPI, WAV Out etc)

Really appreciate any help or advice on what to try / test to get MQN playing.

1. download MQn.bat, paste.exe, a version of mqncontrol.exe, a version of mqnplay.exe.
2. put them all in one folder.
3. if you download mqncontrol.exe no affinity v2, make sure rename it as mqncontrol.exe.
4. if you down mqnplay.exe 2.60 sse4 intel, make sure rename it as mqnplay.exe

play a 16/44100 file, must be wav.
1. ctrl+c to copy the music file.
2. double click MQn.bat
3. music should come out. ... Utbm8#list

Have tried as above - no luck I'm afraid - no sound, have downloaded files and copied to c:\musicplayer folder. I have tried lots of different mqnplay versions and mqncontrol versions but nothing plays and I am selecting many different 16 44100 files. I can't believe I'm having such problems, and yet no one else seems to be??



Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:57 pm
by nige2000
theres this other player ... ayPcmWinEn
that lets you select the output format
can you see which formats work for you


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:02 pm
by sbgk
Clive101 wrote:
jesuscheung wrote:
Clive101 wrote: My CPU is an Intel Core i5 2500T which is quad core SSE4 and running Windows 8.1 64 bit. My DAC is a dCS Debussy connected via on board USB. It doesn't have any drivers as it uses the Mirosoft USB driver. I have had this working with JPLAY5.1 and JRIVER Kernel streaming and JRIVER via WSAPI all fine.

In Windows I can see the dCS as a sound device and it plays fine and have tested it via JRiver and it plays in all modes (ie Kernel streaming, WSAPI, WAV Out etc)

Really appreciate any help or advice on what to try / test to get MQN playing.

1. download MQn.bat, paste.exe, a version of mqncontrol.exe, a version of mqnplay.exe.
2. put them all in one folder.
3. if you download mqncontrol.exe no affinity v2, make sure rename it as mqncontrol.exe.
4. if you down mqnplay.exe 2.60 sse4 intel, make sure rename it as mqnplay.exe

play a 16/44100 file, must be wav.
1. ctrl+c to copy the music file.
2. double click MQn.bat
3. music should come out. ... Utbm8#list

Have tried as above - no luck I'm afraid - no sound, have downloaded files and copied to c:\musicplayer folder. I have tried lots of different mqnplay versions and mqncontrol versions but nothing plays and I am selecting many different 16 44100 files. I can't believe I'm having such problems, and yet no one else seems to be??

can you run the wasapi_test program that's in the test folder, needs to be run from a cmd prompt, you list the devices and then list the formats for the selected device, post the results of event on exclusive on section. beware the brackets that look like <> are actually () (if your device name has brackets)

was it you who said the usb was 1.0, don't know if that would affect things as can't do asynch


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:05 pm
by sbgk
DJ le Roi wrote:Hello SBGK, Thanks for your beautiful software. It's very good. Two questions. I have an AMD A6 3650 processor and I am using the 2.59 SSE2 version. Is this the best version for my processor? And, is there a difference in sound quality between SSE2 and SSE4 versions? In other words, can I get better sound quality with a SSE4 computer? Thanks!
looks like sse2 for your cpu, I would say there is a step up in SQ with sse4, I don't listen to sse2.


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:07 pm
by cvrle59
Have you tried to unplug USB cable and play it on your computer audio only?
That would help in troubleshooting somehow, to make sure if problem is in your computer only, or computer and DAC don't "understand" each other.


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:10 pm
by sbgk
have uploaded 2.59 sse4 intel 8 4 16 16 4 to compare with 8 4 16 16 8, haven't listened to it yet.


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:11 pm
by tony
Having a bit of a listen and just don't want to change from the version of 2.59 I am using. How do I confirm the version? Is it just view properties of the control file?
TBH any version I have tried which generally are the recommended ones have been excellent.
As Father Ted would say 'They all have lovely bottoms'


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:18 pm
by sbgk
tony wrote:Having a bit of a listen and just don't want to change from the version of 2.59 I am using. How do I confirm the version? Is it just view properties of the control file?
TBH any version I have tried which generally are the recommended ones have been excellent.
As Father Ted would say 'They all have lovely bottoms'
don't rename the file, copy and rename so you still have the original. look at which files you've downloaded, failing that rename it to a .bak file and post it to and I'll tell you.


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:23 pm
by Clive101
sbgk wrote: can you run the wasapi_test program that's in the test folder, needs to be run from a cmd prompt, you list the devices and then list the formats for the selected device, post the results of event on exclusive on section. beware the brackets that look like <> are actually () (if your device name has brackets)

was it you who said the usb was 1.0, don't know if that would affect things as can't do asynch
Hi sbgk

Thank you for your help - here's the output of the Event On Exclusive On section:

32000 24 2 192000 6 65534 22 24 3 - Format works ok
44100 24 2 264600 6 65534 22 24 3 - Format works ok
48000 24 2 288000 6 65534 22 24 3 - Format works ok
88200 24 2 529200 6 65534 22 24 3 - Format works ok
96000 24 2 576000 6 65534 22 24 3 - Format works ok
