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Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:41 pm
by nige2000
sbgk wrote:
Ken Moreland wrote:New version of AVX R2.20 still not working for me on Haswell/Ciúnas even though I tried a couple of MQNcontrol's including 10ms R1.1. Giving the same error ""MQNplay has stopped working""
All suggestions welcome.
does sse4 work ? can't help as no avx works for me.
works more than fine for me,
it should work ok on kens gear as it similar to mine
ive mostly happier with the 1.1 control now so ive changed my mind but still a little flat for my liking

sbgk why avx not working for you?


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:47 pm
by nige2000
sbgk wrote:
nige2000 wrote:
sbgk wrote:
I prefer 1.1 and technically it is a better solution, heard detail I've never heard before in classical music, just made it more musical.
yes detail is great
but a little flat too
yes, unexpected that. I'm sure noise is being reduced, R2.24 sounds a bit better, but again all I've done is to remove something that was producing noise.
careful you don't throw out the baby with the bath water,
i worry about removal of detail in the pursuit of noise reduction


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:49 pm
by sbgk
sbgk wrote:uploaded sse4 R2.24, small tweaks to try and pick up the sound a bit with control R1.1. tremendous bass definition.
R2.25 maybe more successful


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:10 pm
by Aleg
Avx R2.20 > R2.25 using mqncontrol.exe 10ms R1.1

mqncontrol.exe 24 bit avx2 v1 100000 > mqncontrol.exe 10ms R1.1



Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:31 pm
by sbgk
Aleg wrote:Avx R2.20 > R2.25 using mqncontrol.exe 10ms R1.1

mqncontrol.exe 24 bit avx2 v1 100000 > mqncontrol.exe 10ms R1.1

2.26 + 1.1 is ok

theory at the moment is that control 1.1 is lower noise and is highlighting deficiencies with play, which hopefully 2.26 fixes.

don't think control 1.1 is going anywhere, so much for theory, weird.

however 2.26 sounds very nice with control 1.0


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:29 am
by Ken Moreland
Morning all,
Neither R2.25AVX and R2.26AVX work for me on any MQNcontrol including R1.1 all on Haswell/Ciúnas which has run other AVX and AVX2 versions.


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:43 am
by nige2000
Ken Moreland wrote:Morning all,
Neither R2.25AVX and R2.26AVX work for me on any MQNcontrol including R1.1 all on Haswell/Ciúnas which has run other AVX and AVX2 versions.

try making a new mqn folder in c:/

sometimes that works


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:08 pm
by Ken Moreland
Nigel you are truly gifted. That worked , everything is playing just fine. I have no idea why but I made a new folder called MQNplayer and stuck everything into it and it worked first time . For all previous versions I used a unique folder for each in C:\ called something like MQNR2.20AVX10ms or similar . I don't use MQNload at all as all my stuff is WAV.
Anyway well done , pints all round.


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:02 pm
by Aleg
Ken Moreland wrote:Nigel you are truly gifted. That worked , everything is playing just fine. I have no idea why but I made a new folder called MQNplayer and stuck everything into it and it worked first time . For all previous versions I used a unique folder for each in C:\ called something like MQNR2.20AVX10ms or similar . I don't use MQNload at all as all my stuff is WAV.
Anyway well done , pints all round.

In the original mqn.bat try to put the command "endlocal" behind the section that removes cr/lf.
In my case that resolved quite a lot of issues when switching from directory to directory to try out different versions.
Ignore all other difference as these are my personal additions, it is just about the position of the endlocal command:

Code: Select all

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "firstLineReady="
    for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (File1.txt) DO (
        if defined firstLineReady (echo()
        set "firstLineReady=1"
        <nul set /p "=%%a"
) > %rundir%\Files.txt"




Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 3:47 pm
by sbgk
R2.27 less warm version of 2.26