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Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:23 pm
by Aleg
sbgk wrote:uploaded a 7b version (play + control) that has half the v7 buffer size for 16/44 and double for 24/192

think the 16/44 still sounds thin (as did the 100000 version) and the 24/192 is much improved ie fuller sound.

only these 2 play
Any chance of a 24-in-32 so I can join in with testing the high res music?




Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:24 pm
by Clive
I just don't get AVX2 compatibility. I tried V7 without my DAC connected, it worked playing through the laptop speakers. I connected the DAC and it didn't work. I have an i5 Ivy W8.1. Then I put mqnplay into compatibility mode and it works.


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:37 pm
by nige2000
Having your mqn folder on root can help reliability and Sq

Obviously I'm officially nuts now


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:58 pm
by tony
Hopefully that is why I couldn't get sound today. Ken had me convinced I needed to get a haswell and new mobo. Pays to sit on the fence on this thread


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:11 pm
by m5lig
sbgk wrote:
getting a lot of hits from linkwitz lx251 user group after someone said they used MQn, anyone here use them ?
I mentioned it on the linkwitz forum a couple of days ago. The avx2 v7 ,once I got it running , bring the lx521 speakers to life. They are a straightforward build and perform better than the orions, his previous design. Really good value for money.

Avx2 v7 after 10 hrs of listening is stunning. Big kudos sgbk. Are you sure we can't somehow make a personal contribution ? A bottle of best Australian red ?


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:48 pm
by sbgk
m5lig wrote:
sbgk wrote:
getting a lot of hits from linkwitz lx251 user group after someone said they used MQn, anyone here use them ?
I mentioned it on the linkwitz forum a couple of days ago. The avx2 v7 ,once I got it running , bring the lx521 speakers to life. They are a straightforward build and perform better than the orions, his previous design. Really good value for money.

Avx2 v7 after 10 hrs of listening is stunning. Big kudos sgbk. Are you sure we can't somehow make a personal contribution ? A bottle of best Australian red ?
Some people have been kind enough to donate to unicef via the following link


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:19 pm
by nige2000
Think buffersize needs to be matched to clock rate

On 24 192 preferred V7 over 7b as less detail nuances etc
Not sure about the 512 buffer for 16 44 need more listening


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:38 pm
by taggart
sbgk wrote:What does avx2 with haswell and minimal server sound like ?
Sounds very good, but not as good as good as SSE2 v10 with Ivy Brigde an Minimal Server. But that's because the NUC limits hardware optimization possibilites that the Ivy Bridge sytem has(PP USB-Card, LPS for SSD, frequency adjustments in bios etc.) And have the feeling that in general mSATA is worse than SSD and notebook technology (NUC) is worse than Mini-ITX. So this comparison isn't "fair" at all. Just wanted to know if AVX2 is possible with NUC.


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:01 pm
by nige2000
Wonder if the avx2 V7 sounds any worse on ivy than haswell

Nuc Wont Be Able To Stand Up Against Audio Pcs
Although jkeny did improve one substantially with battery supply


Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:00 am
by Clive
With AVX2 are we listening to emulated instructions? I saw a reference to a hardware implementation for 2015.

Here's what I read:
AVX2 expands most integer commands to 256 bits and introduces FMA. AVX-512 expands AVX to 512-bit support utilizing a new EVEX prefix encoding proposed by Intel in July 2013 and first supported by Intel with the Knights Landing processor scheduled to ship in 2015.[1]