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Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:13 pm
by Fran
I won't refuse - my eyes and tiny parts don't mix so well!

Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:18 am
by nige2000
Fran wrote:I won't refuse - my eyes and tiny parts don't mix so well!
was thinking
i could get a production line going
solder paste, pick and place, reflow then fix anything that went wrong
shouldn't take that long

the rest of the batteries arrived last wk

received higher stepdown transformers couple days ago for more optimised volume levels and 11 positions to suit the switch
so we can turn it up to a cool 11, hopefully thats enough positions, i think it is coz usually we just have a heap of head room we never use
the revised transformers have improved clarity, better hf, blacker background and dynamics and more usable volume positions over previous revisions
will see how it suits at tonys next sat and we can alway fine tune it again

Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:16 pm
by Fran
I love how it will go to 11!!!

And better with the new Tx!!

Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:04 am
by nige2000
Fran wrote:I love how it will go to 11!!!
so its not just me that thinks 11 is a cool number for vol control
And better with the new Tx!!
yea revised tx is a bit better, easily noticeable but not quite the revelation that introducing the TVC on output was
hopefully we will find a spec that suits everybody, if not we can do custom,
but if i remember correct vol out requirement didnt change much in the different systems ive tried it in

heres pics of the prototype tvc
hoping theres some way to mount the transformers either at the front of the switch or the back keeping it neat and tidy with shortest possible wires
any ideas let us know

Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:12 pm
by abraxalito
Amazing dedication to the art there nige, kudos!

What enhancements did you incorporate into the second generation trafos?

Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:32 pm
by nige2000
not much kudos warranted as I've had plenty of help I'm very grateful for
The trafos are 30v primary 11x1v sec
Not really an enhancement as such
Just trying to find a sweet spot between step down and usable volume range
Was sort of aiming for position eleven to be the one position too loud
When we test it next Sat we will have a good idea what the secondary voltages need to be

Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:46 am
by nige2000
most of the parts came to build the psus

got stuck into doing the smd took an hour to do these
another hour should have enough for the gb


Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:59 am
by Fran
That's savage progress Nigel! Your SMD work is very good indeed!

On the pots and traffos - to be honest I think (like you) the shorter the better, so mounting the traffos at the end of the switch or directly underneath would probably work well. Underneath would allow you to bolt them to floor of the chassis for not much longer. Maybe a U bracket bolted to the floor with the switch facing forward and the traffos behind might work?


Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:22 am
by nige2000
Fran wrote:That's savage progress Nigel! Your SMD work is very good indeed!
by the time im done ill be fairy good at it:)
found if i use the hot air along with the hot plate i get better results
On the pots and traffos - to be honest I think (like you) the shorter the better, so mounting the traffos at the end of the switch or directly underneath would probably work well. Underneath would allow you to bolt them to floor of the chassis for not much longer. Maybe a U bracket bolted to the floor with the switch facing forward and the traffos behind might work?
yea clamp type bracket sounds good, that could be a keeper

Re: It didn't explode....... YET (aka niges amp)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:13 pm
by nige2000
getting the swing of it