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Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:16 pm
by Fran
Damping factor, impedance and phase?

*may or may not be technobabble


Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:53 pm
by jaybee
Diapason wrote:You're right JB, except I think you heard them on one of my 'bad' days (power/atmospheric conditions/angry gods/whatever) and brittleness was and is the problem on the bad days. When things were good and working properly they were great, although they certainly couldn't be considered warm. Open, clean and effortless, yes, but maybe slightly dry, and I can cheerfully imagine they wouldn't be for everyone. I kinda love that really clean and detailed sound when it's done right.

you're right... dry is probably a much better description....

I must say though, I do enjoy the fact that as a forum, it is possible here to discuss, argue over and criticise various aspects of our hobby in a calm and rational manner...

a noble exception to the usual online exponential decay into mudslinging, name calling, and associates temper tantrums.... long may asynchronous USB and heating plates like together in peace...!!!

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:36 am
by DaveF
jaybee wrote:I must say though, I do enjoy the fact that as a forum, it is possible here to discuss, argue over and criticise various aspects of our hobby in a calm and rational manner...

a noble exception to the usual online exponential decay into mudslinging, name calling, and associates temper tantrums....
Tis true alright. There is a well known hifi forum over in the UK and many threads there tend to get spoiled with smart arse replies.
That said, we havent had a hdmi cable thread here in years... :-)

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:34 pm
by Seán
DaveF wrote:
jaybee wrote:I must say though, I do enjoy the fact that as a forum, it is possible here to discuss, argue over and criticise various aspects of our hobby in a calm and rational manner...

a noble exception to the usual online exponential decay into mudslinging, name calling, and associates temper tantrums....
Tis true alright. There is a well known hifi forum over in the UK and many threads there tend to get spoiled with smart arse replies.
That said, we havent had a hdmi cable thread here in years... :-)
Yeah right, we know better than to stroll down that road ;) Seriously though a few years ago I joined a few UK sites but was put off by some of the contributors, ah sure it can happen anywhere, I suppose.

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:08 pm
by jaybee
I don't get how it is that folks lis the cool so quickly...!!

Is it because deep down they are worried that they've been conned by some magazine into spending a relative fortune on their gear, because they're not certain they can hear the difference between what they've bought and something costing half as much?

I've never seen an argument between valves vs. ss, or cd vs. vinyl, translated into Guinness vs. Girlsberg.... It would appear to be perfectly acceptable to maintain personal preferences in some arenas, while similar preferences in audio are met with ridicule... ( the canon vs. Nikon "debate" is similar...)

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:35 pm
by Diapason
jaybee wrote:I don't get how it is that folks lis the cool so quickly...!!

Is it because deep down they are worried that they've been conned by some magazine into spending a relative fortune on their gear, because they're not certain they can hear the difference between what they've bought and something costing half as much?
I'd say you're onto something there...

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:17 pm
by DaveF
Being doing a lot of listening with the Kharma monos over the last two evenings and I've decided to hang on to them. I've been very impressed with what they can do. They just havent put a foot wrong since they've come in the door and have handled everything I've thrown at them with ease. Before I took them on trial I'll admit that I wasnt expecting much but that may have been due to a slight prejudice against class D amps on my part. To their credit they have delivered some of the best sound I've ever heard from a hifi system, one that's to my taste and preferences.
Sure, they dont have the 'sex appeal' of the valve amps I've had but I've experienced such torment over the last year that I'm relieved to have it sorted at last and finally satisfied with the sound without any doubts now.

There is just the one task of finding a good preamp so I can listen to my vinyl but I dont expect there to be any problems there. Any suggestions for a nice neutral preamp are welcome!

All going well there should be a Leben CS300 showing up in Cloney's within the next week or two. Well worth checking out for those that havent heard it yet.

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:41 pm
by Diapason
That's great news, Dave, congratulations!! And monos always have sex appeal I think.

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:33 pm
by jaybee
I think those amps have a sex appeal all of their own...

they may even be monolithic in a "2001" sense... although that could be my memory playing tricks.... are the dimensions 1:4:9...???

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:36 pm
by Fran
Eh, I hate to be reality check fran, but the search for a pre might not be easy!!

Especially one with a decent phonostage, and does it need to be balanced as well? Chequebook alert.....