HiFiFan wrote:Some time back DaveF wrote "A former work colleague of mine starting working for a very high profile cable company during the summer, one which I probably should not name here. I learned a few truths since then."
Dave - if you have the time and can do so without outing your former work colleague it would be interesting to hear what those truths are.
well obviously I'm not going to name the company but basically what he told me were a few things that probably wont surprise many. Now I'm not saying that this applies to all cable companies, just the one he works for.
Basically the company in question has probably more in common with Bose's marketing dept than any proper R&D facility. They spend a considerable amount of time looking at marketing trends and how best to take advantage of it. The cable itself is sourced in bulk from China and then its all about putting fancy insulation around it, then coming up some fancy advertising in all forms: online, magazine, brochure, then come up some fancy names for the cable etc. The writers are all quite clever about it and those that have any sort of basic scientific background are well able to come up with the pseudo science nonsense that really appeals to the believers. From their point of view that's what its all about: believers WILL hear differences.
When I asked him why isnt there any R&D done on how cables might affect the sound, his answer was "because they already have a sh*tload of evidence to say that cables dont do any such thing".
He also mentioned that from time to time, certain popular hifi magazines will be invited out and pampered to no end but I guess looking through the adverts in such mags this shouldnt come as any great surprise.
The above is more or less what this chap told me about the crowd he works for. Draw your own conclusions.