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Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:36 pm
by Modest
Enjoying pictures from China high end show at the moment and cleaning my wide lens for tomorrow :)
ohhhhh I wish to see and hear something good in Cloneys show :)

Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:46 pm
by JFK
Hi Claus , Welcome Back ,,,Yes Fully agree with the Sky 1HD , recorded (Nearly typed Taped !) Bryan Ferry Dylanescue - absolutey stunning live session playing a selection of Bob Dylan songs with a Bryan Ferry twist .
Im thinking of heading over on Saturday ...

Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:04 pm
by Adrian
Hi Chaps,

I am hoping to make a break for the pale tomorrow, might see some of you of you there at the show.


Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:26 pm
by Fran
I thiink this is the same CDP as was in the Ardhowen room in Belfast - AMG or AMR I think:


Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:57 am
by Seán
Welcome back Claus.

Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:20 pm
by Fran
Well how was the show lads?

Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:46 pm
by DaveF
spent a couple of hours out there today. Quite enjoyed it all although nothing really blew me away.

The biggest disappointment for me was the Meridian room. Despite the 30k worth of speakers in the front alone, nothing being demoed in that room impressed me. I thought the imaging was poor and the soundtage very flat. Too much bass boom. Given the clever DSP trickery in those speakers I expected the sound to be far more balanced.

Some nice looking turntables on show including some Roksan, Clearaudio and a Garrard 401. What was the name of that red TT being demoed all the time with the 805's and 800D's?

The room with the Kharmas didnt do those speakers any justice at all I thought but then again there was quite a bit of racket coming from the 800D's next door. Still though, it was the room I spent most time in.

The Nordost demo room was jam packed all day long. Lars was his usual entertaining self. He was demoing all kinds of isolation cones when I was there. I wasn't convinced to be honest and was mostly voodoo in my opinion. In fairness it was unfamiliar gear and music. A home demo would be the only way for me to judge anyway.

The Elac room had a nice leggy blonde chick.

The Arcam r cube was very clever. Decent enough sound given what it was. The new Arcam blu ray player gave a great picture and the AVR600 AV reciever was one huge beast.

Many thanks to Cloneys for the show. Always nice to see new gear and meet up with a few other like-minded audiophools.

Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:53 pm
by Derek
Some gorgeous Turn Tables at the Cloney Show, Fran you’ll absolutely love them.
The Wadia mini dac ... 51&h=86634impressed me, powering speakers off of the chip, no amp needed.
The tiny Micro Magic system from Elac is just brilliant being shown streaming via bluetooth from Niall’s phone just great. A small D class amp is housed in the base of the sub.

Good to hook up with Si who had a couple of mates along John and Ciaran I fear the worst for them, Claus I hadn’t seen in an age great to see him again and to meet Adrian at last.

Cloney Audio have done a great job, a big thank you to them for putting the show on.
Now have to part Lars from his €28,000 speaker cables…

Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:18 pm
by Seán
I have just come back from spending a very enjoyable afternoon at the exhibition. I didn't meet anybody there though.

Re: So this where you are all hiding...Cloney Show anyone going?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:19 pm
by Modest
DaveF wrote: What was the name of that red TT being demoed all the time with the 805's and 800D's?
Garrard 301 ,very nice rosso colour turntable