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Re: DIY battery powered NAIM power supplies anyone ?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 8:51 am
by frd1996
James, Here is just a small idea. If you have Naim Headline headphone amp that you mentioned in your first post, then it may not be that difficult to give it a try. As far as I can see the amp requires just a single 18V power rail and this would be quite easy to try. I am not saying that you need to build full blown PSU, but you can power it from array of battery cells. Just to try it. That will give you an idea whether this topic is worth any further investment.


Re: DIY battery powered NAIM power supplies anyone ?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:53 am
by nige2000
ten minutes would assemble a 18v battery pack suitable for testing the theory

thought it was curious the psu clones are all using the same approach, single transformer into multiple regulators
maybe thats an easier sell point for naim fans
as far as i can see there isnt multiple secondaries on the transformer

Re: DIY battery powered NAIM power supplies anyone ?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:32 am
by james
Hi All,

Thanks for all the suggestions.

At the moment -- for family reasons -- I am not in a position to work on this but maybe in a few months I will have enough free time.

I am interested in the idea of powering the Headline from a battery supply. It could well be a good start since I am not at all familiar with the technology. It would give me a bit of confidence to move onto harder stuff.

Thanks again
