nige2000 wrote:jc have you tried 5 5 5 9 ram timings @ 800mhz?
----TWEAK NUMBER 7----
yes. for my 1600Mhz RAM rated at CR9
800 5-5-5-9. timing is too tight. sound is compressed. you might feel music is more focus, more smooth. all FALSE-POSITIVE.
800 7-7-7-13. timing is too loose. sound is totally uncompressed. having troubles with things going really fast.
800 6-6-6-11. best SQ.
voltage used=1.495
i have tried a lot of combination of ram frequency and timing above 1600Mhz.
1. given whatever timing, the higher the frequency, the more the earaches and the tune starts to get colder and colder.
2. in general, loosening the timing are more revealing upto a point where SQ gets worse.
3. in general, tightening the timing are more smooth more compressed to the sound.
4. tightening timing is overclocking!
5. i have not found an overclocking setting that bests 800-6-6-6-9. for example, best SQ at 2000MHz is 12-12-12-21, 1.5v ISN'T BETTER.
6. no point to OC for better SQ for my consair ram CR9.
7. for most RAM, best timing is one of these considering you are DOWNCLOCKING THE FREQUENCY.
8. for most RAM, OVERCLOCKING THE FREQUENCY doesn't have timings like point 7. so, you cannot just use 9-9-9-17. THIS IS USUALLY INCORRECT. i cannot be bothered to explain because i already have said, OVERCLOCKING FREQUENCY adds earaches.
9. bad timings
10. timing a-b-c-d
d depends on your RAM timing table.
d runs in cycle. for example:
etc... the sound gets richer and richer
10. there is only one correct d:
if 6-6-6-11 is correct. 6-6-6-12 will sound wrong. 6-6-6-10 will also sound wrong.
11. if 6-6-6-12 is wrong
6-6-6-18 is also wrong
6-6-6-24 is also wrong
6-6-6-30 is also wrong