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Re: Bach Passions recommendations please

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:25 pm
by Ciaran
A propos the Brüggen Haydn, the recording contains intermezzi by Ron Ford between the movements:
Attempts have been made to reconstruct the original setting, but in a concert hall, spoken commentary only interferes with the music, even more so on a recording. In respecting this objection, but at the same time desiring to create a meaningful space between the movements, Frans Brüggen invited the Dutch-American composer Ron Ford (Kansas City, 1959) to compose instrumental intermezzi. "This was a real challenge," says Ford. "I looked for a balance between contrast and creating suitable connections.With this sort of commission you have to ask yourself: what haven't we had yet? Haydn is punctual, logical, direct.What is missing is a sense of swell and ebb. I explored that route, with the sound of the Orchestra of the 18th Century in mind.Their breathing style of playing is unique in the world."
I remember hearing about that when this came out, and it's the reason I didn't get it at the time. Can you program out the intermezzi?

Re: Bach Passions recommendations please

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:38 pm
by james
Thanks for the comments on Rilling .. I should probably think of getting another copy of the Mathew Passion. There is lots of good advice on this thread.

Re: Bach Passions recommendations please

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:12 am
by Jose Echenique
Ciaran wrote:A propos the Brüggen Haydn, the recording contains intermezzi by Ron Ford between the movements:
Attempts have been made to reconstruct the original setting, but in a concert hall, spoken commentary only interferes with the music, even more so on a recording. In respecting this objection, but at the same time desiring to create a meaningful space between the movements, Frans Brüggen invited the Dutch-American composer Ron Ford (Kansas City, 1959) to compose instrumental intermezzi. "This was a real challenge," says Ford. "I looked for a balance between contrast and creating suitable connections.With this sort of commission you have to ask yourself: what haven't we had yet? Haydn is punctual, logical, direct.What is missing is a sense of swell and ebb. I explored that route, with the sound of the Orchestra of the 18th Century in mind.Their breathing style of playing is unique in the world."
I remember hearing about that when this came out, and it's the reason I didn't get it at the time. Can you program out the intermezzi?
Yes, of course, you can program them out, but they are so brief that they almost pass unnoticed.

Re: Bach Passions recommendations please

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:26 pm
by markof
Got the Harnoncourt St. Matthew in the post yesterday - really love it.

Many thanks for the recommendations.


The packaging has changed but it's the recommended recording all right - marvellous.


Re: Bach Passions recommendations please

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:18 am
by Jose Echenique
markof wrote:Got the Harnoncourt St. Matthew in the post yesterday - really love it.

Many thanks for the recommendations.


The packaging has changed but it's the recommended recording all right - marvellous.

That´s the recording of course, and you can be confident that it´s a truly great recording that will be hard to beat.

Re: Bach Passions recommendations please

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:55 am
by ZPC2THLgate
I certainly look forward to dipping in and out of that festival of music!