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Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:26 pm
by Sloop John B
patrick wrote:Dont to too hard on yourself Dave. Adventures in hifi are an enjoyable experience but bare many of the similarities of crusaders seeking the Holy Grail. The Homo sapiens is a creature who's driving force is seeking a betterment of its life and this includes the pleasures that life offers. Your disillusionment with the direction that hi fi marketing has taken is no different to others opinion of other aspects of the world today, sport ,music, wealth. etc. My experience over the last 30 years of be interesting Hi Fi and what it has to offer listeners , has excited me and disappointed me and often questioned my sanity and queried my intelligence from the many spiels being spouted out by the industry and self opinionated prophets of Hi fi mystique. Many of our dissatisfactions with what we have is that we are not sure of what we want. We buy into others ideas and preferences of others and acknowledge those of being more correct than listening to our own ears and being patient until resources or an introduction to something noticeably better comes our way. I have left my system unplayed for many month at a time particularity during the Summer months when my life is more geared to outdoor activities. My interest in formal listening to music wanes to more convenient listening iphone, ipad, car radio etc . Another aspect is the compulsive nature of any hobby or passion . I see you have over 1300 lps . We are all similar but to an outsider who looks with no malice or prejudice , think why do you need so much and particularly why different copies of certain lps. Its called hoarding , squirrel mentality. The need to possess and have other similar minded beings oogle and admire. This is where in life we have moments of clarity . We can choose to heed or ignore , to halt and take stock or carry on buying into the dream. Remember the most beautiful of Hi Fi products will be replaced and the most expensive become obsolete in time . We as humans are not entirely stable. We react to the pressures of life differently. We react sometimes by judging our life priorities and achievements differently from before . What was once important is no longer. But the music system does not change , it remains constant , just waiting for that time when you switch on and play music. The same beautiful sound ensnares you and once again you realize that past efforts are not entirely misguided. You have developed a system yourself , which just needs to be left to do what you intended it to. You are not missing out on anything at all. Computer hifi may have arrived but do you need it when you have real instead of virtual. Supporting digital is in many cases handing all control over to faceless corporations. Forget the marketing spiel , it is used to sell everything today by people seeking sales not life enhancement. Don't let the demons change what is a passion into an addiction needing curing. The many euros you have spent were not wasted but are a reflection of ones personality and choices. By any standards your system is excellent as per comments of others on this forum. It is only you who needs to relax and appreciate what you have rather than being convinced that you are missing out . No HIFI will complete live music but only replicate it. You dont need to listen everyday , just when you want to. Good luck in decision what ever it might be.
There might be something to consider from you own words in that you have turned away from listening to your music ,while you hifi has remained patient waiting there for you to see the glass half full again and come back and listen. When i bought my first radio ( a small handheld cheapo ) i enjoyed listening to it without criticism , today i listen to an expensive system and still enjoy it . There are more expensive set ups out there but right now i don't care . cheers .
great post, should be a sticky!


Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:19 pm
by Adrian
Indeed good point.

But in fairness to audiophiles... upgraditis / persuit of something that perhaps is not there is not soley the domain of hi fi freaks.

Modifications / changes happen with car enthuasists, art lovers, house hunters, wine connosieurs, computer clockers and so on.

It helps if one has the view.............. All men are mad... not just audiophiles.

Now if you will excuse me.... the alignment of the planets is just a whisker to the left of optimium position for me to put some hard semi hard dampening under my TT so that I can avail of massive sonic improvements!!!

Let the Madness OUT!!!

In fact... being Mad, living on a planet with other Mad people.... makes one Normal.

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:29 pm
by cybot
Adrian wrote:Indeed good point.

But in fairness to audiophiles... upgraditis / persuit of something that perhaps is not there is not soley the domain of hi fi freaks.

Modifications / changes happen with car enthuasists, art lovers, house hunters, wine connosieurs, computer clockers and so on.

It helps if one has the view.............. All men are mad... not just audiophiles.

Now if you will excuse me.... the alignment of the planets is just a whisker to the left of optimium position for me to put some hard semi hard dampening under my TT so that I can avail of massive sonic improvements!!!

Let the Madness OUT!!!

In fact... being Mad, living on a planet with other Mad people.... makes one Normal.
Now that's more like it :)

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:57 am
by DaveF
Added mains stuff to the list on page 1.

Mains Stuff
Russ Andrews The Silencer block 6-way: 200Euro
Classic Power Chord for Silencer block, 16A IEC plug: 80Euro
Classis Power chord IEC plug: 80 Euro
(Will sell all 3 together for 220 Euro)

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:30 pm
by rosski
Pm sent re mains stuff

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:17 am
by jaybee

you'll need some sort of music in the interim...

this budget system just came up in the home audio section on Adverts.... might be a bit dear though.....??

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:23 am
by Diapason
That system is also its own room treatment.

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:46 am
by Gerry D
jaybee wrote:Dave,

you'll need some sort of music in the interim...

this budget system just came up in the home audio section on Adverts.... might be a bit dear though.....??
Ah. That's just cruel. Funny though. :)

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:39 pm
by Maciej
jaybee wrote:Dave,

you'll need some sort of music in the interim...

this budget system just came up in the home audio section on Adverts.... might be a bit dear though.....??

The sound that comes out from those horns is absolutely amazing I heard!.........waiting for 6moons review.

Re: Complete High End Hifi for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:12 am
by cbarone
I think that's too deer to be honest...