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Re: CD Review on Saturday 7 April 2012 - BAL is JS Bach

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:56 am
by Claus
I was very frustrated when the Danish NSO's Nielsen 4th was dismissed as being "too perfect" - or that they knew the work too well - a couple of weeks ago! Seems a bit thin to totally dismiss a work on that basis!

Thanks for the post Ciaran it was really interesting and exactly (as someone who knows a little about German/Luther/Reformation history) the kind of thing that would annoy me....

Re: CD Review on Saturday 7 April 2012 - BAL is JS Bach

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:19 pm
by bombasticDarren
Claus wrote:I was very frustrated when the Danish NSO's Nielsen 4th was dismissed as being "too perfect" - or that they knew the work too well - a couple of weeks ago! Seems a bit thin to totally dismiss a work on that basis!
I have to agree with you there Claus! The reviewers are far too persnickety at times - many a time I have rolled my eyes at BaL due to this.

I am also largely unclear about what's 'in' or 'out' of the catalogue (thus ineligible on BaL) - these days most CD's are available (albeit after a bit of searching and/or secondhand) somewhere. Reviewers: just tell us what you think is the 'best' recording and we'll see if we can find it ourselves!!

Re: CD Review on Saturday 7 April 2012 - BAL is JS Bach

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:54 pm
by Seán
bombasticDarren wrote:
Claus wrote:I was very frustrated when the Danish NSO's Nielsen 4th was dismissed as being "too perfect" - or that they knew the work too well - a couple of weeks ago! Seems a bit thin to totally dismiss a work on that basis!
I have to agree with you there Claus! The reviewers are far too persnickety at times - many a time I have rolled my eyes at BaL due to this.

I am also largely unclear about what's 'in' or 'out' of the catalogue (thus ineligible on BaL) - these days most CD's are available (albeit after a bit of searching and/or secondhand) somewhere. Reviewers: just tell us what you think is the 'best' recording and we'll see if we can find it ourselves!!
Ah, it is all very subjective but at times it makes for riveting listening and is usually very interesting.