JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by internethandle »

jesuscheung wrote:updated tweak 30

should apply this tweak to every single service. zero harm on SQ. only positive effect.

even a disabled or manual service has a 'counter' running at all time that takes up to 1000 days to reset. WTF MICROSOFT.

alternatively, you could wait for 1000 days until SQ improves.

this is one of the reasons R2 is worse than R1 given the same amount of tweaks. R2 introduces 100 of new features(drivers,services) will always damage SQ.
Have you found a way to change the Recovery settings on services with the options greyed out? In my Win7 dcomlaunch, rpcss, rpceptmapper, gpsvc, and 'schedule' all don't allow any changes, despite the fact that gpsvc and schedule are disabled. Have tried changing permissions in regedit, no luck.

Have you ever done any system32/SysWoW64 slimming, JC? Just before finding your tweaks I was investigating doing that with Bold Fortune's Win XP Slimming guide from graphixanstuff as a starting point (http://www.graphixanstuff.com/Forum/ind ... owforum=68)... got somewhat far and then got some nasty BSOD's. Definitely is something that would take forever to test for SQ, regardless, other than just being dangerous/advanced!
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

internethandle wrote:
Have you found a way to change the Recovery settings on services with the options greyed out? In my Win7 dcomlaunch, rpcss, rpceptmapper, gpsvc, and 'schedule' all don't allow any changes, despite the fact that gpsvc and schedule are disabled. Have tried changing permissions in regedit, no luck.
good idea!!! and yes. you need to take ownership of e.g. rpcss
1. go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RpcSs
2. right click on "RpcSs" -> "Permission" -> "Advanced"
3. type "Administrator" -> click "Check Names" -> click "OK"
4. check "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects"
5. check "Enable inheritance"
6. check "Replace all child object permission entries...."
7. click "Apply"
8. At "FailureActions", enter:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
C0 D4 01 00 00 00 00 00
E0 93 04 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
9. DONE.
internethandle wrote: Have you ever done any system32/SysWoW64 slimming, JC? Just before finding your tweaks I was investigating doing that with Bold Fortune's Win XP Slimming guide from graphixanstuff as a starting point (http://www.graphixanstuff.com/Forum/ind ... owforum=68)... got somewhat far and then got some nasty BSOD's. Definitely is something that would take forever to test for SQ, regardless, other than just being dangerous/advanced!
only deleted like 50-100 useless exe files. would be nice if there is a guide
i do find that less file is there in system32, the better SQ. for example, try copy 10000 files to system32, SQ gets worse. delete them, SQ gets better.
system32 is very SQ sensitive.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

please report back what you have deleted from system32

harsh edge of treble is better and better. disable recovery of service is just good.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 34----
defrag your registry

download free Auslogics Registry Defrag
Last edited by jesuscheung on Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by internethandle »

Have you found the Auslogics reverts any of your registry edits? Have had a few other registry 'cleaning' programs do that (or worse!) I do trust Auslogics, though, and prefer their HDD defragmenter over other programs.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

internethandle wrote:Have you found the Auslogics reverts any of your registry edits? Have had a few other registry 'cleaning' programs do that (or worse!) I do trust Auslogics, though, and prefer their HDD defragmenter over other programs.
this is not cleaning. this is defrag. only just discovered it.

apparently normal windows defrag won't defrag the registry.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by internethandle »

jesuscheung wrote:
internethandle wrote:Have you found the Auslogics reverts any of your registry edits? Have had a few other registry 'cleaning' programs do that (or worse!) I do trust Auslogics, though, and prefer their HDD defragmenter over other programs.
this is not cleaning. this is defrag. only just discovered it.

apparently normal windows defrag won't defrag the registry.
Well, I downloaded it and ran - after analysis it found 0% fragmentation of the registry and therefore nothing to defragment. Sort of disappointing! And odd given how much I have altered the registry with regedit. Maybe Auslogics Disk Defrag took care of it? Doesn't seem likely, though.

Anyway, as for my system32, here's a screenshot of my backup folder which contains all that I deleted in my current install:


Here's all the SysWoW64 stuff I've deleted in the current install:


Much of the above is KBD files that I don't need (keyboard layouts for different countries - I only kept the U.S. one).

Here's a screenshot of my backup folder for my first attempt at system32 slimming which resulted in a BSOD. The BSOD said something about my graphics driver failing to start, and would display during the "Starting Windows" screen after POST, so it didn't get to "Welcome." I'm not sure what file being deleted, unfortunately, caused the BSOD, I suspect it was "nvsvc64.dll", but I'm not certain, and there's no way of knowing now without going back and deleting each of these (which I may still do), rebooting, and looking for a BSOD each time (or just deleting nvsvc64.dll and seing what happens). In any scenario, I would have to use something like Hiren's Boot CD again (which I did the last time, to open xplorer2 lite in its included minimal Windows XP and copy all of these files back to system32 from the backup file, which resulted in the system booting again) to fix it. I hadn't gotten to SysWoW64 yet during this first try, and hadn't deleted (as you can see) any KBD files:

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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by internethandle »

Here's a tweak idea, which I've never actually fully completed (you'll see why), which was pulled from a post in either the old cMP thread or cPlay thread on Computer Audio Asylum, by user named 'steppe' who, unfortunately, is now inactive (speaking of slimming, he pioneered a lot of SQ-based slimming for Win XP there, which got very involved and I wasn't on XP so I couldn't follow):

Prior to defrag, do the following:
Download CCleaner if not already installed. Go to Options -> Settings -> under "Secure Deletion" select "Secure File Deletion (slower)", and then from the dropdown menu select "Simple Overwrite (1 pass)". Check "Wipe Alternate Data Streams" and "Wipe Cluster Tips". Under "Wipe Free Space Drives" select all applicable hard drives, then check "Wipe MFT Free Space". Go back to the regular CCleaner area, and scroll down to the "Advanced" area in the Windows tab, check "Wipe Free Space". After CCleaner is done, defrag.

steppe claimed this would make a large difference, but, unfortunately, I have yet to successfully attempt it. Why? For whatever reason selecting "Wipe Free Space" takes FOREVER, even under "Normal File Deletion." Part of the tweak, however, was to wipe the cluster tips and alternate data streams, which can only be done under Simple Overwrite, at the fastest. I'm talking like I've kept my machine on with CCleaner running for 24+ hours and it still was only at 75% on a 600GB drive. The worst part is that if you cancel and attempt to do it over again later, it starts from the beginning and takes just as long to get back to 75% (or wherever you left off)! Anyway, if I ever go on vacation and remember to run CCleaner with these settings, I may make an attempt at this...
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

interesting! maybe just partition a new drive, say 20GB. 20GB should be easy to erase.

shall try this later.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 35----
ATI graphic card

default setting has terrible SQ.

1. now for win2008/win2012/R2 users(no need for win7/8/8.1)
look for you soundcard in registry, for me, it is located at:
2. enable hardware acceleration:

without hardware acceleration SQ losses air (coz CPU needs to waste cycle on graphic processing).

CANCELLED 3. disable logging


4. do everything here:

have compared ATI 5670 vs intel GPU hd4000:
-neither is totally better
Last edited by jesuscheung on Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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