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Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:00 pm
by Ivor
sbgk wrote:
Fran wrote:SGBK - you are very welcome here!! And yes we are fairly civilised here - although still descended from the apes!

Seriously though, well done on your efforts so far - it really is quite extraordinary.

Thanks for the welcome, expect a few more will follow me over, it's been a help reading about peoples enjoyment of the program.

Welcome lad, I've heard your work in Tony's castle and it's very impressive. Well done.


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:15 pm
by goon-heaven
Fran: Well done. How did you fend off the threats for sbgk's extradition?


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:16 pm
by Clive
I had a feeling this would be a good home. I look forward to tying the latest add version tomorrow morning, sounds promising!

Glad you're back sgbk!


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:25 pm
by jesuscheung
sbgk wrote:
Fran wrote:SGBK - you are very welcome here!! And yes we are fairly civilised here - although still descended from the apes!

Seriously though, well done on your efforts so far - it really is quite extraordinary.

Thanks for the welcome, expect a few more will follow me over, it's been a help reading about peoples enjoyment of the program.
hi here i am.

i would love to continue post honest and useful comments on MQn.

i am shocked and insulted at CA. the site owner took 1 'unprofessional' comment out of 300+ honest and trying-to-be-helpful comments. and used it against me. while a troller can make infinite professional comments.

i believe wonderful things will happen here.


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:34 pm
by goon-heaven
Hi JC. great you have found us. I have highly respected your detailed testing - looking forward to more.


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:36 pm
by jesuscheung
quote, CA owner
"The comments speak for themselves. The responses to my admonition also speak for themselves -> "lol, good bye" by sbgk and "did you hire me professionally that i have to "professionally comment" by jesuscheung."

quote, CA owner
"It was suggested that there are some Sockpuppets in this thread. I wish I had more info. My action to ban the users was not based on this rather their behavior of pretty much saying FU to me and the CA community who want to act professional and respectful. "

quote, CA owner
"It appears sbgk had no problem with leaving CA. Hi response to my comment was, "lol, good bye." I don't believe there is a language problem there.

quote, CA owner
It's possible jesuscheung could have a different meaning for the word professional in this context. I am open to communicating with him if he wishes to work things out."

"lol, good bye" will trigger a ban apparently on CA.

there are useful information about MQn on the CA site. one can look things up there.


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:40 pm
by nige2000
Been busy for the last few hours, my god there's been allot of stuff happening online
Not much good mind

I hope your not annoyed over it
As it won't stop the following
maybe even get more with all the excitement

Should be as safe as it gets here

Hi Jc I see you got Here


Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:59 pm
by sbgk
jesuscheung wrote:quote, CA owner
"The comments speak for themselves. The responses to my admonition also speak for themselves -> "lol, good bye" by sbgk and "did you hire me professionally that i have to "professionally comment" by jesuscheung."
don't worry about it JC, these things happen. I thought I was already banned when I said lol, goodbye due to my one handed comment. What's rich is the main protagonist now says he wants to try it.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:46 am
by cvrle59
Just to let everyone know...just joined!


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:08 am
by tony
Welcome aboard to all really looking forward to developments