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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:29 pm
by frd1996
Adam, as Pearse is saying boot wtfplay-live and run snd_scan. If it shows nothing, try to unplug your USB/SPDIF converter, plug it back and run snd_scan again. As far as I understand you have multiple devices/cables between your PC and the converter. Try to unplug/replug cables at various stages of your USB chain.

If this does not help, please run the diagnostic image that I shared with you some time ago, and send me the report.

The one thing that puzzles me is that your converter reports 192kHz. That fact may indicate that your converter is actually detected and the problem is somewhere else. I am saying that is because my el cheapo test USB DAC is always set to the max FS it supports by default, that is 384kHz. Playing a song caused its FS to be switched to the required value.


Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:41 pm
by sima66
Yes, this is my chain:
JCAT FEMTO USB => JCAT usb cable => JCAT Isolator =>10-15cm DIY usb cable => ifi ipurifier2 => Sonicweld.

At the moment I don't have Regen. Mine died and I'm still looking to find used one.

When I disconnect Sonicweld, after WTF boot, the only thing that change is the 192khz goes back to 48khz. Sonicweld still not seen after snd_scan.
Otherwise, when I start my PC, Sonicweld turns on and the 48khz are on the screen (normal way). While WTF is loading the files that changes to 192khz (not normal)!
Like I said, my DAC only support 96khz and I don't have 192khz files.....never played!

Yes, JCAT Femto provide the 5v power to all units in the chain and now is working perfectly in R2.

WTF now doesn't work even when I connect Sonicweld directly to Femto!

I also tried the usb stick with the previous version of WTF and all the same.

To me, this looks exactly the same like when the JCAT sata "screwed" my SSD and could not be find anymore in WTF, but in R2 worked no problem! Thanks to Fred problem was fixed.
During this so many changes and tryings in the usb chain, something unusual happen again!

I will try to find and run the diagnostic image and send to Fred again! :)

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:19 pm
by Sligolad
Hang in there Adam as you are at the cutting edge with that chain you have there :-)

I know what it is like and it is worth the effort, just when you think you should stop another option gets added which you end up forging the way ahead on for everyone else.

I will give you another story regarding JCat USB which has a good ending!!

I also have the JCat Femto which was a step up on the version 1 card.
I got bored and decided to take the clock off the version 1 JCat USB card and add on a 24Mhz Paul Pang OCXO I had spare, and I had lots of trouble getting the Audio PC to see SSD, the Big7 and the Startech.

After much determination I got the modified JCat to see the Big7 but it started locking up Wtfpplay when loading tracks.
I removed the Startech off the second port on the JCat card and placed it on a USB slot on the Audio PC and finally everything was working.

Turns out the JCat USB card with the 24Mhz PPA OCXO has jumped the sound ahead of the JCat Femto card so now I have a redundant JCat Femto USB card.

It seems the PPA OCXO is a bit too energetic and is messing up other hardware when I try to use both USB slots but I will not go back to the JCat Femto as the sound improvement was well worth the hassle. Maybe I will try and lift the clock of the Femto and try the PPA OCXO on that!!!

I know the above does not help much but sometimes the effort with all these mixed peripherals on the USB chain is worth the effort, hope you find a solution on your end.

Cheers, Pearse.

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:37 pm
by frd1996

Please try this: Instead of JCAT Femto, use ordinary USB port on you motherboard and tell me if this makes a difference.

On 192kHz. I can read on the product webpage, that it supports 192kHz, so I see no reason why this value should not be displayed. ... iverter-hr

The software does not see what kind of DAC is connected to Sonicweld via SPDIF. As I mentioned before, when USB sound device is connected to Linux box, the Linux kernel driver enumerates all supported FS values in the device configuration. The last value found there is then set as the default one. By contrast, the Windows driver does not do this, and instead it sets 48kHz by default.

Or you have a different device?


Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:46 pm
by sima66
frd1996 wrote:Adam,

Please try this: Instead of JCAT Femto, use ordinary USB port on you motherboard and tell me if this makes a difference.

On 192kHz. I can read on the product webpage, that it supports 192kHz, so I see no reason why this value should not be displayed. ... iverter-hr

The software does not see what kind of DAC is connected to Sonicweld via SPDIF. As I mentioned before, when USB sound device is connected to Linux box, the Linux kernel driver enumerates all supported FS values in the device configuration. The last value found there is then set as the default one. By contrast, the Windows driver does not do this, and instead it sets 48kHz by default.

Or you have a different device?

I tried and nothing change, even that, at the moment, is nothing else in the usb line.
USB port => usb cable => Sonicweld

Can I use same debug image, as for SSD?

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:49 pm
by sima66
Sligolad wrote:Hang in there Adam as you are at the cutting edge with that chain you have there :-)

I know what it is like and it is worth the effort, just when you think you should stop another option gets added which you end up forging the way ahead on for everyone else.

I will give you another story regarding JCat USB which has a good ending!!

I also have the JCat Femto which was a step up on the version 1 card.
I got bored and decided to take the clock off the version 1 JCat USB card and add on a 24Mhz Paul Pang OCXO I had spare, and I had lots of trouble getting the Audio PC to see SSD, the Big7 and the Startech.

After much determination I got the modified JCat to see the Big7 but it started locking up Wtfpplay when loading tracks.
I removed the Startech off the second port on the JCat card and placed it on a USB slot on the Audio PC and finally everything was working.

Turns out the JCat USB card with the 24Mhz PPA OCXO has jumped the sound ahead of the JCat Femto card so now I have a redundant JCat Femto USB card.

It seems the PPA OCXO is a bit too energetic and is messing up other hardware when I try to use both USB slots but I will not go back to the JCat Femto as the sound improvement was well worth the hassle. Maybe I will try and lift the clock of the Femto and try the PPA OCXO on that!!!

I know the above does not help much but sometimes the effort with all these mixed peripherals on the USB chain is worth the effort, hope you find a solution on your end.

Cheers, Pearse.
This will never-ever end!
At list you can sale Femto now for good money! ;-_)

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:51 am
by frd1996
sima66 wrote: Can I use same debug image, as for SSD?
Yes, please use the same image.


Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:24 pm
by sima66
With little push and help from Fryderyk, my Sonicweld is recognized again and play in nothing happened! :)

Thanks Fred! ;-)

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:56 pm
by cvrle59
Am I doing something wrong, or we lost that feature of saving command line on power down, in this new version?

Sorry, I know why I lost it. My battery died on first play after new version upgrade, and PC didn't shot down properly.
It's all good now!

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:57 pm
by sima66
tony wrote:
Octagon wrote:Hi Fryderyk,

Clearness improved again,
+1 excellent version and new enhancements are very useful and worthwhile. Maybe skip to next track if that is possible would be a nice option. I assume navigating whilst listening is a non runner? It is something I did enjoy using totalcommader with MQn
Tony, looks like your dream came true and we have "skip to next track"! ;-)

As for myself, I'm getting more and more impressed with this player!
The wtfcui is amazing! So simple and easy and yet it has everything you need! I could not find something to add or take!
The sound also improved a lot.