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Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:24 pm
by Diapason
Fran wrote:Jadis had a terrible reputation in the USA. Anyone know why?
Complete guesswork on my part, but I think it was simply lack of availability. Nobody had them, nobody knew anything about them, so anything remotely negative couldn't be checked by a wider user-base. There's also the vague suspicion of French engineering, I think that was a factor.

FWIW, when I was doing Graaf research I found similar pockets of negativity, with one website suggesting that if you bought one you could be guaranteed it would blow up. Cloney, on the other hand, have sold loads of them and not had any problems. In fact, when Noel visited the factory he came away very impressed, and felt that the engineering was top drawer. Sadly, Graaf really *have* gone under.

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:21 pm
by giant haystacks
hi i am a little late getting on this adventures in amplification
i have a friend who moved his karma speakers to saudi arabia where he is for a few years and he said that they did not like it at all that it took over 6 months before they settled down
he has a problem of having plenty of money
he uses jadis mono blocks and has reciently bought a hovland el34 power amp and hovland pre
if you are looking for 12bh7a look for long black plate rca which has poor quality broadish red or mostly white print and come up in usa and canada mostly
i would not throw the towel in
i can get your amps looked at in enniskillen by rodney hanna if you were able to get to monaghan il do the rest he has worked on many graff gm20 and loads of kt88 amps reciently he was working on lumley monoblocks with 8 kt 88 per monoblock and a really expensive set of matesse monoblocks 4 kt88 per side
another simple option put in a 2 inch or 3 inch copper pipe in the ground hollow with a spear like end 6 to 8 foot and connect a earth wire and run to our hifi and use this for your hifi only and dont use your house earth .this is simple to try put the pipe in and water it and wire through the window and then you can i was interviewing lars kristianson about dedicated earth and his response was most important of all . simple to try this experiment

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:41 pm
by Diapason
I'm so tempted to do that earth plan here. Is it legal? Is it the kind of thing that invalidates your house insurance?

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:51 am
by giant haystacks
you could disconect the earth on one of your mains leads suplying your block and conect the dedicated earth to your mains block and leave your house earth in place and experiment with a mains lead with earth as normal
it is easy to try and with the hollow copper pipe you dont have to be far from the house as you can water down into the pipe it is the surface area and not the density which is important .the reason to disconect the rest of the house earth is because you will have such a strong earth everything else will be drawing on it in the house and leave your sound worse . then you can try with both earths connected
also at the cloney show lars kristianson put a lot of effort into isolating the mains block so obviously there is so much energy coming down the mains in this area that needs to be disipated
im going to try to start a tread to get the forum members to think of these sort of things even though it is a little d.i.y companys like w.b.t.are making products to disipate unwanted energy chat later ,

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:57 am
by Ivor
giant haystacks wrote:im going to try to start a tread to get the forum members to think of these sort of things even though it is a little d.i.y companys like w.b.t.are making products to disipate unwanted energy chat later ,
Work away big man.

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:17 pm
by Diapason
Yep, please do!

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:23 pm
by DaveF
giant haystacks wrote:hi i am a little late getting on this adventures in amplification
i have a friend who moved his karma speakers to saudi arabia where he is for a few years and he said that they did not like it at all that it took over 6 months before they settled down
he has a problem of having plenty of money
he uses jadis mono blocks and has reciently bought a hovland el34 power amp and hovland pre
if you are looking for 12bh7a look for long black plate rca which has poor quality broadish red or mostly white print and come up in usa and canada mostly
i would not throw the towel in
i can get your amps looked at in enniskillen by rodney hanna if you were able to get to monaghan il do the rest he has worked on many graff gm20 and loads of kt88 amps reciently he was working on lumley monoblocks with 8 kt 88 per monoblock and a really expensive set of matesse monoblocks 4 kt88 per side
another simple option put in a 2 inch or 3 inch copper pipe in the ground hollow with a spear like end 6 to 8 foot and connect a earth wire and run to our hifi and use this for your hifi only and dont use your house earth .this is simple to try put the pipe in and water it and wire through the window and then you can i was interviewing lars kristianson about dedicated earth and his response was most important of all . simple to try this experiment
Thanks for your input but I've had enough of the ATM2 so I'm getting a replacement for it. I must stress that it's not a bad amp, it just needs to be partnered with the right speaker. I've had a few guys from the forum over to listen to it and all are in agreement that something is not right with the treble.

Within the coming week I'll be getting a listen to both the Leben CS300 & 600.

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:38 pm
by DaveF
The Leben CS300 and CS600 arrived today. First impressions of the CS 300 that it is indeed a lovely sweet sounding amp as others have said here. Hard to believe that it is only 10 watts per channel. Immediately it has a more full bodied sound that the ATM2 had in my system.
Early days yet of course but the 300 would be chosen over the ATM2 so far in a heartbeat.

Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:48 pm
by Adrian
That's a beautiful amplifier Dave, are you seriously considering going as low as 10W? A big change from the 80W airtight!


Re: Adventures in amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:50 pm
by Diapason
This thread is nearly back full circle!!