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Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:43 pm
by tony
Fran I think it is easier to use a dedicated modem close to the amp/speakers. Maybe Ken can comment on that?
I turn off wireless on the modem and use a wired connnection.

Still having problems starting the system off. I am assuming it is a timing issue but haven't figured out what it is that is causing the problem.
A couple of reboots of laptops and modem and it finally picks up Kernel streaming and I get sound.

What operating systems are you using?

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:47 pm
by Fran

The reason I'm interested is that it would be very handy to tap into the library on the main rig and be able to play it remotely via the laptop. I wouldn't need to copy files to the laptop.

I better go check out the jplay forum.


Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:51 pm
by tony
Fran wrote:Vista/w7.

The reason I'm interested is that it would be very handy to tap into the library on the main rig and be able to play it remotely via the laptop. I wouldn't need to copy files to the laptop.

I better go check out the jplay forum.
I found a three minute phone conversation with Ken got me up and running very quickly. Why not try using jplay 5 beta with one pc/laptop initially and see what it sounds like. It is better. Smoother more texture, bass extension etc etc. Then your appetite is whetted for the 2 laptop setup and the difference again is big. one pair of 57's feel like they are now on steroids (easiest way to describe the leap)

Sorry meant to say I think there is too much searching and confusing and conflicting info on the thread. There is over 900 posts on it

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:03 pm
by Ken Moreland
If you've got a good wireless system throughout the house it should be fine.This is my router ... d3300.aspx and I can hook up a USB/HDD and copy the music from it to anywhere on the network. The key thing is to set up a network/homegroup where the computers can see each other,check out post 869 here ... m/page-18/

Install Jplay on the dac pc but don't run JplaySettings.exe or Jplaymini.
Install Jplay on the streamer laptop (robbed from kids) or upstairs pc, run JplaySettings and when it launches click computer until you see ""Search for Jplay on Lan"" , if it finds it running on the dac pc you're in business, click ok and it will close,run it again and adjust settings. Then run Jplaymini as usual, enjoy.


Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:33 pm
by Sligolad
And for the really lazy among us who do not want to get up and use Mini install JRiver on the Streamer PC and run it in Media Server mode (you do not see it on the PC when started) and then you can manage and change your music from the chair with your iPhone or iPad with a little app called JRemote with album art and all the works.
It means an added 70 or 80€ spend on JRiver but I think it is worth it for a listening session with the lights out from your favoutite chair.
As close to Nirvana as it gets sometimes.........Ok a little exagerated but sometimes it almost.........!!!

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:50 pm
by tony
Probably should be a new thread but JPLAY5 released this week. Huge improvement on the previous version with the option now of using 2 pcs's (sure why not) Ken and myself are saving up for the next release which will probably require 3 pcs for optimal playback.

The usual glitchs and set up issues are the order of the day, For me anyway. Love the sound and functionality and honestly believe it is a 'hi end' product using 2 laptops,jkdac32 and Jplay for very reasonable outlay. It is not perfect and will not deliver the instance streaming/functionality of a naim dcs or whatever is out there in the digital high end market but it is not accurate to call it the model t for the masses as it is more merc than ford.

I feel it is worth the effort for what you get in playback

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:28 pm
by Sligolad
Finally got around to jumping in to the 2 PC setup with direct link by Ethernet cable and JPlay 5.
Beats any streaming setup I have heard so far and that includes all the Naim gear I heard at the open day in Cloneys recently.
Admittedly you are looking at about a 4k outlay for a custom order audio PC called a CAPS Zuma server to just handle the audio and a good quality PC or laptop as the control PC, and finally to make the setup comparable to some of the latest streamers you add an iPhone, iPad or IPad mini for complete remote control of all your music.
If you have a half decent PC or Laptop already then you are almost half way there on cost, you can get away with another half decent PC or laptop for the audio but after buying the CAPS Zuma I would recommend the almost 2k outlay if you want seriously good results from the latest version of JPlay.
I am using Ethernet cable between the CAPS server and the laptop so no wifi headaches and I can playback all file types and bit rates including DSD files which a lot of streamers are still working out how to cover all these options.
The great thing about the JPlay and custom PC route is that you have options for upgrades and the JPlay team are always pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in PC based playback and every step change comes free.....I would have paid for the recent upgrades without a second thought given the improvements I have encountered in the last year.

For anyone considering a serious outlay on one of thes new streamers I would recommend a listen to a dual PC system with JPlay.

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:14 pm
by tony
That seems more than interesting Pearse. You will have to do a bit more explaining about how it all hangs together. My understanding is you are storing all the music on this server. Are you then using two laptops or pc's to run the dac and the other jplay?

It is a lot of money but as you said recently the prices keep coming down as the technology improves. I just sold my cd player and took a cd player in part exchange but I have reached the point where I believe streaming or just using a laptop/pc and a dac are the way forward. The quality,bang for buck and the pace of developments are incredible. I toyed with the notion of a tube cd player but can't see the point especially with limited funds.

I can understand people preferring a TT set up and having heard some good ones can see the logic and sense of enjoyment. While the enjoyment in the dac world is not comparable and will never match the tactile qualities of TT ownership, as a source I personally think it is now ahead of CDP's and definitely comes closer to the TT environment than a CDP's ever could.

I think the demise of the cdp is closer than we think. There will still be a requirement but I just don't see any serious development going forward

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:49 pm
by Sligolad
CD Player is long retired Tony and I bet the current setup could seriously challenge some top end TTs.
I still have my laptop with the 2 TB WD USB drive hanging out the side with all the music on it so no change there, the laptop is used to manage all your music in JRiver and can be used for all other activities, web, mail, etc.
Instead of finding a second off the shelf PC to use just for playback in to the DAC this new CAPS Zuma PC, Server or whatever you want to call it is just a fan less compact efficient and powerful computer with Win8 basic setup developed by Chris Connaker over on Computer Audiophile site.
This is his third or fourth stage development of a PC just for audio playback and it works great for JPlay.
This second Zuma PC just has JPlay on it like my laptop also with JPlay except the Zuma once setup has no monitor, mouse or any other software on it.
The Zuma is the power house clean PC for doing all the good work on the music feed from the laptop through either wireless or direct Ethernet connection.
From the Zuma you then have the USB cable to the DAC and you are good to go.
Hope that helps.

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:38 pm
by Ken Moreland
Pearse, very impressed and envious. The Zuma is not horrendously expensive, considering that you get the ideal machine and it's ready to run. Compared with the prices charged for cables etc (Wilson XLF speakers @ $2ook) it's a bargain. Have you compared the Zuma on Jplay V5b to your common or garden PC on Jplay V5b?(bet you couldn't be bothered). I have to admire your commitment to getting the best sound , so sit back and enjoy.