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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:21 pm
by Fran
Gazjam - one other thing!!! Don't forget to turn down the voltage on the Maplin supply. The pico won't want to see the 13.8V that it puts out!!

Nige2000 posted instructions a good few pages back on exactly where to do this. Be careful in there - there are mains voltages and we need more CA lads knocking around, not less!!

If you look closely at the picoPSU you will see that the main 12V and ground input is joined directly to the wires that go to the 4 pin plug that feeds the CPU. Nearly all mobos use that same 4 pin connector so if you have a scrap PC power supply you can use the plug/wiring from that to run from the maplin to the CPU mobo plug.

As nigel said, measure twice and cut once!


Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:45 pm
by Fran
Interesting read on A/B testing:

Yes, its from one point of view but it raises something that I've observed a few times now where A/B testing was invoked. Inevitably the test ends up being picked apart by one side or the other. Either the design of the test, or the execution, end up being called into question. The emotional investment by both camps in these cases is incredible!

Its not as easy to A/B as people think. Lots of work involved to make it happen, down to duplicates of much equipment. Inevitably when the results are released, the A/B testing is called into question and we find out that A/B/X testing should have been used. Natch, the organisers then get the hump and you can see where it all ends up.

No wonder so many forums have to ban any chat on A/B stuff!!


Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:40 pm
by jkeny
Yea, enough about the A/B testing.
But I have my Intel NUC running on battery with my USB boot stick also running on separate battery & it sounds decidedly better than linear supplies (in A/B comparisons :) - no I jest - I didn't bother with A/B testing as both my wife & dog told me that it sounded better :)

Using the bigger Anker battery unit (it works fine being charged at the same time as powering the NUC with no degradation in sound) to run the NUC with the 19V output. Using a single 3.3V LiFePo4 battery to power the USB stick.

Sound reminds me of the body & presence of Nige's system that some of us heard when we trekked into the far reaches of Co. Meath :). Don't know if it is the same or better or worse - only an A/B test would sort that out - doh, mentioned that test again!

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:51 pm
by tony
That anker seems to be a bit of a find. I am using it on the usb core server stick and seems very good. I have reached a point unless it is something very dramatic am finding it hard to detect any big change.

John we all heard a positive change with the batteries in Nigels the one caveat for me would be to try one of these tests in reverse. i.e try the one we expect/hope to be best first and then revert back. Just wonder on the second and third listen are we all familiar with the track and hear more into it. In the interests of being objective I think this would fair/objective.

On your test tonight if the dog is happy and not barking well then it must be fine. No digital noise or artefact affecting its comfort.
If the wife is happy as well then just break out the champagne as it is always good when the male does something right around the house. I would suggest keep up the good work and maybe hoover the house tomorrow.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:01 pm
by jkeny
No, Tony, it was the other way around - the dog was happy & the wife didn't bark or howl

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:44 pm
by nige2000
dont want to spoil the ankers party piece but the lifepo4's single cell is better by about half of the difference between linear to usb and to anker to usb

expecting haswell build tomorrow and two 7ah 12v batteries, hopefully ill get testing and it will be good news (a which do i like more test with poorly calibrated instruments ive had since birth)
haven't forgot about your cable tony i should have it to you beginning of next week

welcome back Fran we were about to send out the search party.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:57 pm
by Fran
Under pressure Nigel!!

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:16 am
by Gazjam
Will be hard wiring the linears into the balanced mains I think, more direct connection usually a good thing.
If nothing else it wont niggle me that I didn't do it!

a question about the DC cable coming from the Maplins linear into the server, thanks.
Ideally I'd like to sit the Maplin linears in the room next door out of site, with the DC cable feeding through a hole in the wall between rooms into the server.

Is there any restriction on DC cable length, talking maybe about 4m.
Voltage drop can occur and I wonder if it might be a problem in this case?

Thanks, hopng Im not overtinking this... :)

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:36 am
by Ken Moreland
Anker Support say the Astro 3E has a cutoff current of 80mA and they have a new version with a cutoff of 20mA. My guess is that the Sandisk in idle takes around 80mA and the additional use of the USB light keeps it over the limit . Maplin say the light draws 500mA but I think this should be 50mA because the light on it's own is not enough to keep the Anker lit.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:21 am
by nige2000
Gazjam wrote:Will be hard wiring the linears into the balanced mains I think, more direct connection usually a good thing.
If nothing else it wont niggle me that I didn't do it!

a question about the DC cable coming from the Maplins linear into the server, thanks.
Ideally I'd like to sit the Maplin linears in the room next door out of site, with the DC cable feeding through a hole in the wall between rooms into the server.

Is there any restriction on DC cable length, talking maybe about 4m.
Voltage drop can occur and I wonder if it might be a problem in this case?

Thanks, hopng Im not overtinking this... :)
i dont think theres anyone here has tried that yet, so we wont know what results would be
if your going to replace wires short and thick would be the way to go

there was another option of
using a toroidal transformer and ... 1439.l2649
yields as good as maplins