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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:21 am
by tony
I wonder should we come up with 2 specs. The I7 and the alternative. The thread on the zuma on computeraudiophile ... s-v3-zuma/ explains the thinking around the processor.
The future proofing I like. The next version of JPLAY could be 64bit and might end up working completely differently to the current version. I accept it is a large spend if it turns out not to be necessary.

Ideally a test with a box with the spec Nigel is suggesting against the zuma would clear up that discussion. I am a bit lazy on this stuff Nigel but all the other stuff in the zuma can be added to the board you are suggesting going with.

To my mind over engineering is the best route. Maybe that is illogical.

If self building how much is the zuma coming in at? I should do this cost myself but not 100% sure of exactly all that is required for the build.

Pearse is right about not getting sidetracked with usb cables. That can be the discussion when we are all running on zumas and are searching for the next big improvement!

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:39 am
by Sligolad
Hi Nige,

Did you go to the bottom of the page in the link I provided and read through the 12 pages?

Regarding the future state of JPlay I would put nothing past Josef and Marcin, been using JPlay since 2011 when there was only a small band of dedicated followers and since then there has been no letup in new releases requiring faster and more powerfull PC architecture.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:54 am
by jkeny
Tony, I used a variety of tracks to audition Pearse's USB cable - just pick something that you remember to have noticeable HF on your system.

As was stated, there seems to be 2 philosophies being followed - one by ItemAudio (BTW, he published all this before CA) of a MB which can be powered from a linear supply & the CA approach of higher spec MB which requires a SMPS. I favour the first approach & in the interests of sorting this out am willing to order an ItemAudio system & do a comparison with the Zuma.

I got some info back from Mark in ItemAudio
"Max memory on this board is 16GB: the base T1 is incrementally upgradable to full 'JPlay Spec”

The T2 case is the Streacom FC10 Evo: the price will be the same for 3x or 5x units: we make very little on the kits."

So he is coming back with a price for me which includes shipping.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:48 am
by tony
Thats great John curious to see the pricing. If you go ahead will be great to compare the two solutions.

jkeny wrote:Tony, I used a variety of tracks to audition Pearse's USB cable - just pick something that you remember to have noticeable HF on your system.

As was stated, there seems to be 2 philosophies being followed - one by ItemAudio (BTW, he published all this before CA) of a MB which can be powered from a linear supply & the CA approach of higher spec MB which requires a SMPS. I favour the first approach & in the interests of sorting this out am willing to order an ItemAudio system & do a comparison with the Zuma.

I got some info back from Mark in ItemAudio
"Max memory on this board is 16GB: the base T1 is incrementally upgradable to full 'JPlay Spec”

The T2 case is the Streacom FC10 Evo: the price will be the same for 3x or 5x units: we make very little on the kits."

So he is coming back with a price for me which includes shipping.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:01 am
by nige2000
Sligolad wrote:Hi Nige,

Did you go to the bottom of the page in the link I provided and read through the 12 pages?

Regarding the future state of JPlay I would put nothing past Josef and Marcin, been using JPlay since 2011 when there was only a small band of dedicated followers and since then there has been no letup in new releases requiring faster and more powerfull PC architecture.
I read though the tweleve pages I read quickly through it though all I found was a incompatibility with a samsung ssd.
Ill read it again in case I missed them but I still should have caught more than a the one post about a drive

John 16 gb will work out great in the item audio unit was there any hope of a cpu upgrade on it

The cost of this unit is creeping up on us im not convined it will be justified at this time

Just trying to help


The cpu I listed is less than 70 euro it could be upgraded to the i7 3770s in the future if jplay would ever utilise all them cores
Important to remember theres always a newer better processor released at least every year at similar money
mid higher range proccessors are the best value

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:31 am
by jkeny
nige2000 wrote: John 16 gb will work out great in the item audio unit was there any hope of a cpu upgrade on it

The cost of this unit is creeping up on us im not convined it will be justified at this time
I'll ask ut don't know if it is wise? Why do you want a faster processor? Remember that more speed = more power draw = more expensive linear supply.

One thing I'll be investigating is the ability to run this PS ungrounded maybe using an isolation trnsformer?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:45 pm
by item_audio
I just spent literally half the morning writing an epically long post answering dozens of questions raised in this thread and explaining differences between the T1 and CAPS recipes and it's gone - does anyone have a copy in their cache?

It's the first time I've really explained the thinking behind the two versions and it would physically make me weep to have to write it all again . . .

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:57 pm
by Ivor
item_audio wrote: - does anyone have a copy in their cache?
Highly unlikely chief. I know it's too late now but if I ever have a ground breaking life changing point to make (it's been a while) I type it up in word first and then cut & paste. I know.... bloody obvious in hindsight....

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:07 pm
by item_audio
Copied it in case of timeout, but then had a second life-changing insight and copied that, too. Pasteboard ain't big enough for both of them . . .

Hey ho. So basically, just build a CAPS, then. Even though it's a bit broken and derivative.

Was I mod-nobbled, boss?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:27 pm
by Fran
item_audio wrote:Copied it in case of timeout, but then had a second life-changing insight and copied that, too. Pasteboard ain't big enough for both of them . . .

Hey ho. So basically, just build a CAPS, then. Even though it's a bit broken and derivative.

Was I mod-nobbled, boss?
Nope - we're very tolerant here, and will not allow this thread to descend into the usual crap! At the same time we won't be used as a sales tool, but I would like to think we are very reasonable!

I'm glad to see you on here, expect lots of questions!

Re the lost post - check your drafts in case there's a copy there....

More later when I'm on a proper keyboard!
