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Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:20 pm
by cybot
Fran wrote:Actually I saw a review somewhere of David Byrne/Slim shady collaboration as you say, and it was well rated. Might be worth having a go at.

No, Fran I was only being cynical! It's a pity the smilies don't work as I'd have the misinterpretation angle covered!

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:56 pm
by cybot
More vinyl....


Olafur Arnold's newie

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:41 pm
by DaveF
picked up the first 2 on CD for a fiver each in Freebird today. The vinyl versions would have to be ordered and would cost over 30Euro each so I left it for now. The rest are on vinyl.






Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:42 pm
by cybot
[quote="DaveF"]picked up the first 2 on CD for a fiver each in Freebird today. The vinyl versions would have to be ordered and would cost over 30Euro each so I left it for now. The rest are on vinyl.

Waaaaaayyyyyy to go Dave!!! Delighted to hear you took the plunge (and so quickly!) on Nick; at least fergus can't hold me soley responsible for the 'bad' influence, mcq was in on it too :-)) Anway I see you've got the vinyl edition of his last official studio album.My advice would be,as I probably said before, is to immerse yourself in the 'happy' Nick period first before listening (and judging!) his final album as it was made when he was in the deepest,darkest place imaginable; his ability to communicate was severely impeded and I might be wrong here, but I don't think he was even able to sing and play the guitar at the same time. What actually came out of the sessions is remarkable and judged in that light will help you to appreciate the album even more.....'Know' and 'Parasite' stand out for me but really, the whole album is a little,if sad,gem.....and for me it's humbling to know that his music is with me until my day is done.....

'If songs were lines in a conversation the situation would be fine'

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:46 pm
by cybot
[quote="DaveF"]picked up the first 2 on CD for a fiver each in Freebird today. The vinyl versions would have to be ordered and would cost over 30Euro each so I left it for now. The rest are on vinyl.


I'd be interested to hear what you think of this version of The Rolling Stones best of,sonically,I mean. I have the previous edition and the sound,for me,is unbelievable,if slightly over the top!;the Andrew Loog Oldham sound captured in all it's glory!!!

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:13 pm
by fergus
cybot wrote: ....My advice would be,as I probably said before, is to immerse yourself in the 'happy' Nick period first before listening (and judging!) his final album as it was made when he was in the deepest,darkest place imaginable; his ability to communicate was severely impeded and I might be wrong here, but I don't think he was even able to sing and play the guitar at the same time. What actually came out of the sessions is remarkable and judged from that light will help you to appreciate the album even more.....
I do not know anything of Nick Drake I am afraid to say but I am intruiged by your description above Dermot. Could you direct me to an online biography perhaps?

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:49 pm
by cybot
fergus wrote:
cybot wrote: ....My advice would be,as I probably said before, is to immerse yourself in the 'happy' Nick period first before listening (and judging!) his final album as it was made when he was in the deepest,darkest place imaginable; his ability to communicate was severely impeded and I might be wrong here, but I don't think he was even able to sing and play the guitar at the same time. What actually came out of the sessions is remarkable and judged from that light will help you to appreciate the album even more.....
I do not know anything of Nick Drake I am afraid to say but I am intruiged by your description above Dermot. Could you direct me to an online biography perhaps?
Certainly fergus! You could try the two below for starters anyway...

Here's another link you should try; it contains my favourite piece on Nick by Ian MacDonald. I can't paste the link right now as I'm on the Touch but if you Google Nick Drake Exiled in Heaven 1 you'll find the complete transcription of the original article minus the pictures. It was originally printed in Mojo.It will put a spell on you as it's so brilliantly written by one who probably had been in the same dark place Nick had been. Sadly a short while later Ian himself was to take his own life.....

Edit: Here's the Ian MacDonald link:

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:04 am
by cybot
I forgot to say that Ian MaxDonald was also famous for a certain Beatles book, 'Revolution in the Head'. So now the connection is complete...

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:28 pm
by fergus
Cheers Dermot....I really appreciate the info. Thanks a bunch!

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:59 pm
by cybot
fergus wrote:Cheers Dermot....I really appreciate the info. Thanks a bunch!
Now all you have to do is nip down to Tower and get the first two albums for a tenner :-)) Not sure if the third is on special offer too....By the way it was a pleasure :-)) Don't forget, take it slow and savour every morsel.