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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:58 pm
by nige2000
jkeny wrote:So let me ask some more Qs, please:
- is the 4 pin CPU socket only providing power to CPU - this is powered from battery?
- the other motherboard socket is supplied by the Pico?
- are the PSes listed in the order of importance for the sound? i.e. CPU, storage, OS or is it CPU OS, storage?
- you mentioned 2 supplies sounding detailed but lacking body & 3 bringing back that body - what was the 3rd PS supplying?
everything powered from battery seems improved
as far as i remember the 12v 4 pin supplies only the cpu but this is broken down further to 3 or 4 different lower voltages for the processor. i have this powered by 12 volt vehicle battery

the 24 pin motherboard socket is supplied by 12 volt vehicle battery via pico psu

whether linear or battery seems to be a priority to separate out the power supplies

i only know what ive tried so i started out with three linears, cpu pico and os(usb3/ssd) which sounds great and still does

tried 1 battery to pico psu and pico supplying cpu and os= great smoothness and detail with huge loss in body and dynamics of a unacceptable scale, but gave enough encouragement to investigate further.

then 3 aa batteries to os = better body, better dynamics along with improved overall but still not as same level of body as tri-linear

then 12v battery power to cpu = bingo!!! (you've forgotten your testing sq and youve been taken into the music)

ive tried all different combinations all sound good
order of importance
3 supplies whether battery or linear
battery power to os +60%
battery to cpu +25%
battery to pico +15%

Percentage of the improvement in relation to replacing linear in each instance

only thing that wasnt great was switching linear for battery for the os in a tri battery system

single battery systems lack body and dynamics adding the second and third battery recoup that

(note i tried powering the ciunas via anker battery pack along with usb3 os and lowered sq substantially)

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:55 pm
by jkeny
OK, I think I've got it
3 supplies (linear or battery) to:
- OS (USB3 or SSD) = 60% improvement
- CPU = 25% improvement
- motherboard = 15% improvement

Easy for me to do a PS to the OS (on USB3)
CPU will be the tricky one - I will look at it but don't want to kill a NUC

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 6:51 pm
by nige2000
My body count is kind of high
must be your turn to fry something
maybe tackle that ram ps

nuke the nuc

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:39 pm
by tony
As i have caused some extra clutter in a few guys rooms by suggesting extra linears,
ill try to redeem myself

i managed to fit he 5v linear into the case for a more compact straight forward linear solution


this is one of my favourite modifications[/quote]

Nobody has commenting on this but well done it certainly tidy's the linear supplies. If you put that behind the car batteries sure you wouldn't even notice it now.

Seriously to me that is fairly acceptable you could build a rack around that and hide it further behind an existing rack. The only caveat the hifi rack needs to be moved further out into the room. Good news for me less of a walk to turn up the volume.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:43 pm
by tony
Did a bit of experimenting with audiophil sound signature settings tonight. Need to do a bit more diverse listening but 1 on controlpc and 4 on the audiopc softs the sound and allows me bring the supertweeters back in. I find with 1/1 with the sound panels behind the speakers I hear what Fran and John don't like i.e a bit too strident. Has anybody else messed with the settings?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:03 am
by tony

44amp 12v battery €50 x 2=€100

What size are you using Nigel? Edging slowly towards this and not sure just in case do I buy one for the C5 (unfortunately dearer) as it could always be moved from that. Dilemma but not really when you think of Devialet anxiety which definitely leads to the doghouse no matter how good it looks.

When I consider I paid €150 for a nordost magus power cable and I have a few of them. It just added colour to the room not sound.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:17 am
by nige2000
There around the 70 ah odd but there wore out
I dont know what effect that has
probably none since there being charged at same time
small lead acid batteries 7 ah are about 20 euro each we best try them first

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:53 am
by tony
Dunno Nigel technically I know nothing about these things. My gut feeling is a larger under stressed battery would be better. Is the 7ah suggestion for safety or cost? Have to look at what others are doing as we aint the only people on the planet using or considering using this stuff.

Will post the link at some point but PPang products and advice all centre around isolation and reduction of vibrations etc. He has batteries on lumps of wood and ssd's mounted on chunks of aluminium.

His usb card looks interesting as well not sure if that is because it seems affordable or because it is set up for its own linear supply. Oh and he constantly recommends good linear supply.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:50 am
by Diapason
LOL @ "Devialet Doghouse"!

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:26 am
by tony
Diapason wrote:LOL @ "Devialet Doghouse"!
Just insanely jealous really Simon, as I wouldn't even contemplate testing a Lampizator Level6 as it would not be allowed pass the threshold. To be fair I would have a mental block on it also due to price.

Have no doubt the Devialet is fantastic piece of kit and compared to the lunacy on this thread which requires a large wardrobe to house the components it would seem very worthwhile. Assume wadia if they haven't already will follow suit maybe that sonic signature might appeal to you more? Whatabout the wadia usb module for your player?