wtfplay project - it's official

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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by frd1996 »

In my view, the primary function of UEFI is vendor locking - but this is a topic for a completely different discussion.
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by snake2002 »

hello internethandle

for usb boot with UEFI try this :
enable CSM (you've done it already)
disable FAST BOOT
disable TPM

make sure USB3 is set to AUTO or LEGACY or PS2 or COMPATIBLE
if SECURE BOOT or any other settings is greyed out set a security supervisor password (1234 will do fine) and this should enable them
During start up select the menu boot (usually F9 or F12) if the usb key is there it should boot fine
What model of pc do you have?

Excellent player btw! to my ears it sound already better then Bug Head
very interested to see where it can goes especially if its possible to add a network remote controll ..something like an ESX server type of control where the audio pc is locked and you do all the stuff via an ip adress in the browser on the control pc
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by snake2002 »

Hi frd

your player is already performing as a formula 1 car but it would really fly if you could add remote connectivity
Im no technical expert on linux so cannot say much but look at what those guys achieved in terms of software\hardware

where it says (already covered by your player)

The AAZ Ultra Flow server is not a one in all solution in that it doesn't contain a DAC, but it takes care of all other tasks involved. It has a built in automatic CD ripper that also categorises and fetches artwork, then stores the music on a noise-filtered 2TB hard disk that also runs the operating system. The latter is based on a stripped Fedora version of Linux. Evert told me that they have listened to countless variations on the scheme, using various motherboards and various operating systems (Windows, too) and that everything has an influence on the eventual sound quality. So minimised is the OS that it can in fact run without forced cooling. Output is on USB only

but here's the selling point

The unit is meant to run headless (no display/mouse/keyboard) and although it is possible to connect a screen and keyboard, this isn't of much use as the operating system is command prompt only. Proper control over all its vital functions can be done much easier via logging in over ethernet using a web browser.

if you read the review the server got high praise against big names forget about the hardware (which is still very important of course i'll say 50%?) you already got the software covered ..the sound is top notch just add the network daemon and voila!
all the best and again have gold in your hands!
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by cvrle59 »

Would you trade SQ for convenience?
I wouldn't, sorry. I'm 57, but I don't have problem handling this player in "full manual mode".
But, let's see what the other people on this forum say, who have way more experience in testing different software and different features.
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by jrling »

cvrle59 wrote:Would you trade SQ for convenience?
I wouldn't, sorry. I'm 57, but I don't have problem handling this player in "full manual mode".
I'm 67 and I don't either!
Maplin XM21X 12V float charging A123 26650 LiFePO4 battery/Maxwell Supercap PSU for Mitac PD10-BI J1900 Bay Trail, WTFPlay, Hiface Evo, Bow Technologies 1704 NOS DAC, StereoKnight TVC, Quad II monoblocks, ZU Audio Druid Mk4/Method Sub
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by Octagon »

cvrle59 wrote:Would you trade SQ for convenience?
Not at all!

That would be a dead end. But I understand Fryderck focus is SQ, I am not worried ;)
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by frd1996 »

That is correct. SQ is the priority number one and there are few more tricks that I'd like to try. That does not mean that the other features will not appear. They will in time.
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by snake2002 »

cvrle59 wrote:Would you trade SQ for convenience?
of course not! SQ for me has to be 1' on the list
if having remote control means anyhow lower audio quality then forget it
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by frd1996 »

I just want to add something: please do not jump into conclusion that remote control/network is bad for SQ. I am not saying it is. Simply I have not tested it yet.
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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Post by pink »

remote login via ssh will do without any SQ loss.
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