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Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:28 pm
by erin
cvrle59 wrote:
erin wrote:Thanks to the guys who replied to my question regarding getting JLP player running.
Its now working and sounding very good.

When I was running squeezelitewin.exev17 I was able to change the output settings in local player so that I can use my USB converter.

I have now installed squeezelitewin.exev18 and I am still getting audio through my USB converter but now on the local player does not have options to change the output device settings.

I have stopped and started LMS a few times but the option does not come back.

Is this intentional in v18?

Its not a major issue because I am getting audio out of the device that I want to use.. but I still would like to know why.

If anyone can advise me that would be very nice.
thank you.
If you back up little bit, and follow story about .bat file which calls squeezelite-win.exe, you will find answer to your question. When you call it with that batch program you actually passing your device as a parameter to the SL-win. The second .bat is used to list your devices, that you can paste into the first one, but it didn't work. The only way for me was to run one of the old versions to read exact name of my device, and I inserted it into that .bat, everything came to normal.
I hope this helps.
Hi cvrle59,

thanks for your answer, but actually I had not used any batch files at all. I have just used squeezelitewin.exev18. (renamed to squeezelitewin.exe) It is not giving access to the output device.

So may I ask again, is this a "feature" of V18 or must I use a batch file?

thank you.

As is, I am rather pleased with v18. I find a balance of sound to be primary to sound quality. For me, if I need to make a sacrifice in one way or another I would rather sacrifice detail rather than the tonal balance of sound. Often, not just MQN or JLP, but other software too, when we get more detail by changing a setting, often dynamics or bass suffers and the sound gets slanted towards the treble. V18 is sounding tonally balanced to me, it has strong and clear bass. Really I have no problems.

With some work, yes anything can probably be improved. At the moment I am happy and enjoying the user interface. Thanks again Gordon.
Perhaps I will try v19 soon.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:33 pm
by sbgk
why are people still posting about problems starting squeezelite.

v19 removes the issue unless you use the -q setting which will disconnect it from the console.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:21 pm
by nige2000
John Dot wrote:
nige2000 wrote:john have you compared 10 0x0 with 18?
i didnt get a chance to yet
Yes I have. Sql v18/19 (can't hear any big differences) + portaudio v17 souds best so far imo, but... portaudio100x0 has more microdetails.
Still don't know what to choose :)
Why choose if you can have it all

Is there some thing in 10 0x0 that needs to be brought forward?

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:40 pm
by Aleg
John Dot wrote:
nige2000 wrote:john have you compared 10 0x0 with 18?
i didnt get a chance to yet
Yes I have. Sql v18/19 (can't hear any big differences) + portaudio v17 souds best so far imo, but... portaudio100x0 has more microdetails.
Still don't know what to choose :)
Prefer portaudio v17 over v100x0.
V17 has a slightly lighter tone that in my setup allows the details to come through a bit more. V100x0 sounds a bit more 'fat' IMHO, making it not so easy to make out the details.

It is the feature that is even more present in MQn, which also has some more depth of soundstage, setting instruments just that little more apart from each other with just a slight light reverb.



Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:00 pm
by sbgk
taggart wrote:Have written a console program some month ago that allows to set priority class and affinity mask to programs you wish to start (Mode: -exe) or to already running processes (Mode: -set).
Additionally it's possible to set priority and/or affinity to all running processes except some excluded ones (Mode: -all).
The latter can be used to lower all processes except JLP, MQn etc. for example.

Tasker.exe has no runtime dependencies and might be useful for those of you who are about to play around with those settings.
Calling tasker.exe without any parameter will prompt usage, short description and some typical examples.

Code: Select all

tasker -exe -x process [-r params] [-s show] [-p priority] [-a affinity] [-e]
tasker -set -x process [-p priority] [-a affinity] [-e]
tasker -all [-x excluded] [-p priority] [-a affinity] [-e]

       -exe   Execute <process>.
       -set   Set priority class and/or affinity mask for running <process>.
       -all   Set priority class and/or affinity mask for all running
              processes excecpt processes listed in <excluded>.

       -x process       Process to be executed or set.
       -x excluded      Processes to be excluded (Mode:-all).
                        Use Pipe-Symbol for separation. See example #3.

       -r params        Parameters for <process> to be executed.
       -s show          Display mode for <process>.
       -p priority      Priority class for <process>.
       -a affinity      Affinity mask for <process>.
                        E.g. on a machine with four cores use:
                        0001 to bind <process> to Core #0 only.
                        0010 to bind <process> to Core #1 only.
                        1010 to bind <process> to Core #1 and #3.
                        1111 to bind <process> to all Cores.
       -e               Eliminates all console messages.

tasker -exe -x "D:\Special.exe" -r "D:\Test.txt" -s normal -p high -a 0010 -e
tasker -set -x "Cool.exe" -p realtime -a 0010
tasker -all -x "Special.exe|Cool.exe" -p low -a 1101 -e
tasker -all -p low -a 1101
Download Link:

Example 1 (see at the end of code section):
Runs "D:\Special.exe" with parameter "D:\Test.txt", shows it normal, sets priority to "high", sets affinity to core #1. No console messages.

Example 2:
Runs "Cool.exe", sets priority to "realtime", sets affinity to core #1.

Example 3:
Sets priority of all running processes (except "Special.exe and Cool.exe) to "low" and binds them to core #0, core #2 and core #3. No console messages.

Example 4:
Sets priority of all running processes to "low" and binds them to core #0, core #2 and core #3.

Cheers, Christoph
thanks taggart, hope people can make use of it.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:42 pm
by jrling
Here also using iPeng, start/pause/stop just work OK.
K - I give in!

Those are my red line non-negotiables for JLP. Not for MQn of course.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:37 pm
by LowOrbit
Just tried v19 on the study setup, so headphones only. Can't really comment on SQ until I try it on the main rig.

I still needed to run the batch file to start Squeezelite, but other than that basic functions seem to work. With v18 I could start multiple tracks at the same time and stop none, so v19 much improved in that respect.

Will try it in the main system at some point.

Thanks Gordon

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:51 pm
by nige2000
LowOrbit wrote: I still needed to run the batch file to start Squeezelite
me too

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:59 pm
by cvrle59
Weird, I was able to run it either way.

Re: JLP wdm-ks player

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:42 pm
by Aleg
cvrle59 wrote:Weird, I was able to run it either way.
Did you uncheck the Autostart with Server in the settings of LocalPlayer plugin?

If not, it will start the Squeezelite with its parameters from the settings at the LocalPlayer plugin and not the settings used in the start batch.

