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Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:27 pm
by jkeny
Max Planck once said ...
A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
We might be waiting a long time but in the meantime can enjoy the music!
Alternatively, whose for speeding up the process ? :)
Are you with me - I'll hire the plane & the AK47s. We just need a couple of weeks to visit the forums in question.


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:32 pm
by tony
[quote="jkeny"]I see Tony is having fun on PFM
Maxflinn. Purite giving their usual mantra
But this guy is exactly the sort of programmer that SGBK was talking about


I don't know about 'fun' Was listening away last night and sure said what the heck post and see. Of course the usual blind men rushed to the scene of the crime claiming they have already seen the light. Find it funny in a way sbgk is english right under their nose's it is free and still the brick wall rises.

I take a benign view if John and Nigel didn't keep banging on about it and sneak it in for a listen at the last meet I would still be observing from afar. D'internet is great for getting to info that could take a lifetime previously couple that with the JK's and Nige's of the world always trialing and testing and we luckily have a rich vein of good stuff. If everyone here took the same view as PFM etc the info would be lost.

Many thanks to John and Nigel for their dogged persistence!


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:44 pm
by jkeny
I had thought the meet in Nige's was where MQN was praised & that it would attract all you guys to try it. But I was wrong - you're a tough crowd, it seems. Had to do a Riverdance on it & sneak it in during the interval of Jplay set-ups to get your attention.

I had a rethink about snuffing out these objectors - they serve a function - they make us ordinary people appear smart!


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:24 pm
by Fran
Only saw the thread on PFM now. Staggering closed mindedness.

"will you try it and see if you like it?"

"no way I already know what it sounds like"

The last time I heard that it from a 6 year old about broccoli. Jaysus there's no hope for them.



Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:32 pm
by nige2000
jkeny wrote:I had thought the meet in Nige's was where MQN was praised & that it would attract all you guys to try it. But I was wrong - you're a tough crowd, it seems. Had to do a Riverdance on it & sneak it in during the interval of Jplay set-ups to get your attention.

I had a rethink about snuffing out these objectors - they serve a function - they make us ordinary people appear smart!
I think at that time we listened to mqn here jplay streaming was a bit better than mqn at that time
And since everbody had streaming setups with core server
requiring a new install
I think that was the deterrent

as far as I remember it took mqn version 2.4 to beat jplay streaming
it was better than jplay single since JK emailed me the Mqn files
saying give this a go see what you think

I thought id lost my mind the first time I listened to it as I didnt think 4 little files in a folder was going to beat jplay


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:45 pm
by Sligolad
For me the night at Nigel's place certainly left me impressed with what MQN on a single PC could do but I still liked the JPlay streamed presentation.
There was definitely a revelatory moment in Tony's when I first heard the latest "at the time" version of MQN on the same tracks back to back, there was noticeable stunned silence among the normally talkative crew and as the rest of the coffee break crew drifted back in the consensus grew and grew.
It was certainly one of those memorable nights in this journey going on for about 3 years now with no end in sight yet.
I went off into the night like a man on a mission determined to discover more about MQN and glad I did.
Cheers, Pearse.


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:47 pm
by jkeny
Yea, you're right, Nige Jplay streaming had more body in your meet-up - I remember now.
I had not devoted the time you guys had to optimising Jplay streaming so I didn't have a good comparison until that night.
But I knew it was on a upward trajectory based on the improvements I was hearing from the first version I listened to back in July.


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:53 pm
by jkeny
Yea, Perase who would have guessed that it would come down to some shitty 4 lines of code that are badly programmed with out-of-date techniques by someone who doesn't know what he is doing?

Jaysus, it's GUBU - we only have two options - we either must force all programmers to unlearn all they know or else determine that this is impossible & stamp it out. Right, we can't do the first, so it has to be the second option.

Good 'ol black & white thinking - polarises/poisons even the simplest of ideas.


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:38 pm
by tony
I remember even guys like Fergus who have no CA set up was instantly sitting up saying like that one.
And Nigel is right it is pita to change when so much effort went into the Jplay streaming.

Not too bothered by PFM thread I realise now anybody interested in CA just doesn't post there. Kinda shows how few people actually read threads on a site with such a large number of members. I done me bit and gave them the links that is me finished with that thread unless a punter asks for some advice.

Must check to see what version is the biz for tonights listening session.

BTW Audiophil will be releasing optimizer for R2 close to the official release date. Got an updated version of 2012 last night.
Will try it with Jplay tonight to see if it does something. More effort will go in to switching core server to minimal server to try out MQn on core server 2012. Just need to go looking for the commands!


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:53 pm
by nige2000
I just got several of them 20 euro usb3 keys so I wouldnt have to muck about changing my os's
dont mind having two pc's just means u have the most of two full computer hifi systems
one for testing :)