Page 119 of 804


Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:57 pm
by LowOrbit
sbgk wrote:uploaded the different versions sd = v2 and sb is probably the one with most air/detail
Is there going to be a 4 core version of the control file for 1024 ?

Just asking like!


Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:00 pm
by wushuliu
sbgk wrote:uploaded the different versions sd = v2 and sb is probably the one with most air/detail
Tried sb and sw and sd, got distortion and slowed down playback.


Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:10 pm
by Aleg
wushuliu wrote:
sbgk wrote:uploaded the different versions sd = v2 and sb is probably the one with most air/detail
Tried sb and sw and sd, got distortion and slowed down playback.

Not when using MQN.bat, but only when changing engines via mqnload and starting playback via mqnload.

Try starting from mqn.bat, no issues there.




Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:13 pm
by Aleg
pistollero wrote:Hello everyone, i need can i play flac files on Mqn???
ive tried all.. installed sox, flac etc but i receive the message:
Could Not Find C:\musicplayer\Files.txt
Could Not Find C:\musicplauer\*.wav
C:\Program Files <x86>\sox-14-4-1\sox.exe FAIL formats: no handler for detected file type `flac´
File Not Found
File Not Found

I´m on windows 8.1 with an audiophilleo spdif converter...
i can only play wave files...

Mqn only plays wav files. Either convert flac to wav manualy/batch with dbpoweramp or search for mqnload in this thread. If setup right it will convert flac to wav before starting playback.




Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:16 pm
by wushuliu
Aleg wrote:
wushuliu wrote:
sbgk wrote:uploaded the different versions sd = v2 and sb is probably the one with most air/detail
Tried sb and sw and sd, got distortion and slowed down playback.

Not when using MQN.bat, but only when changing engines via mqnload and starting playback via mqnload.

Try starting from mqn.bat, no issues there.



I am using mqn.bat.


Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:21 pm
by Aleg
sbgk wrote:uploaded the different versions sd = v2 and sb is probably the one with most air/detail
All in the 1024 range:
- sb is too much air for me, it becomes fluffy :-), it looses focus of sound but it becomes quite wide though in a nice way I think (sometimes in doubt if there is too much separation between left and right channel and loosing its coherence (might require repositioning of speakers))
- Sw is very nice, like it better than 8.1-R2 raw-background which is softer, rounder than sw which has a nice crispness and focus to it.

not yet decided between sw and sd, though.




Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:24 pm
by Aleg
wushuliu wrote:
Aleg wrote:
wushuliu wrote:
Tried sb and sw and sd, got distortion and slowed down playback.

Not when using MQN.bat, but only when changing engines via mqnload and starting playback via mqnload.

Try starting from mqn.bat, no issues there.



I am using mqn.bat.
In that case there are no issues in my setup when using the same startup.
Everything plays just fine.




Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:14 pm
by John Dot
This is hell for me,
Just can't run any new MQn version.
Latest working is 2.71 v2 which is the best I heard.

I have tried newest Lekt builds and it's out of the competition. Sorry Lekt.


Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:26 pm
by nige2000
John Dot wrote:This is hell for me,
Just can't run any new MQn version.
Latest working is 2.71 v2 which is the best I heard.

I have tried newest Lekt builds and it's out of the competition. Sorry Lekt.
whats your dac?
which version did you try?

i couldnt get em to work


Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:36 pm
by sbgk
John Dot wrote:This is hell for me,
Just can't run any new MQn version.
Latest working is 2.71 v2 which is the best I heard.

I have tried newest Lekt builds and it's out of the competition. Sorry Lekt.
are you on win7, upgrade to win 8.1, you know it makes sense.