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Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:38 pm
by Rocker
Ivor wrote:
tony wrote:
jaybee wrote:is jplay really so much better than PureMusic that its worth obtaining a masters on computer science to setup?
Ken! Ken! Are you there? Ken!

We should have something like the Bat Signal for such emergencies
Well said Ivor.

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:55 pm
by Fran
It's consistently the best playback software I've tried anyway. It's windows only jaybee....

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:41 pm
by jaybee

That would make sense.... I've been quietly looking into Mac playback options above and beyond iTunes....

No doubt the bat signal would require new drivers, especially should joker v2.5 arrive...!!!

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:36 pm
by Ken Moreland
Sorry all, I'm engrossed in setting up V5 and have been all day and no success so far (nearly time for a pint). I haven't heard PureMusic ,Jaybee, so I couldn't compare but Jplay sound is excellent. This latest upgrade has promise but no sound yet, It's a real pain to set up but it runs the MusicPC wirelessly from the Laptop and the only program on the MusicPC is Jplay. So far I've got the two networked and I can see the music but haven't heard it yet. I'm now trying to adjust settings in Jplay/Foobar on the laptop to play music via Jplay on the MusicPC. Will update if and when successful.

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:47 pm
by Sligolad
Good on ya Ken....I was looking for a project for the winter so it looks like building a dedicated PC for V5 is what I have been waiting for.
I expect we will all be calling on you for guidance on this over the coming weeks!

I can see the eureka moment happening in the pub over a pint and a late night ahead!!!

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:19 pm
by markof
jaybee wrote:....ahhhh

That would make sense.... I've been quietly looking into Mac playback options above and beyond iTunes....

No doubt the bat signal would require new drivers, especially should joker v2.5 arrive...!!!
The player I use on the Mac is Audirvana Plus. Will playback just about any format. It has an itunes integration mode and is iterating very rapidly.
The sound quality is really excellent and the setup is easy. You can give it a try for free.

Also lots of discussion and support from the developer over at computer audiophile

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:47 am
by jaybee
I'll give that a look too...

If they use iTunes as the database can you use your iphone/iPad to control the "embedded" iteration of iTunes?

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:25 am
by markof
jaybee wrote:I'll give that a look too...

If they use iTunes as the database can you use your iphone/iPad to control the "embedded" iteration of iTunes?
Sure can.

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:12 pm
by Sligolad
Could not resist it Ken so went and set it up this morning, got it running quickly with JRiver on main PC and win 8 laptop connected to Meitner. Not sure about the sound yet as I have been tinkering to see if I can get iPeng working from my Logitech Media Server system as well over Jplay.
Will report back later on sound.

Re: Anyone tried JPlay?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:38 pm
by Sligolad
OK been listening since to JPlay 5 after setting up playback through JRiver Mediaserver using JRemote on iPad.

I can see people being turned off by that opening line but it is not as challenging as it sounds, I am completely self thought on this PC lark and as someone in their 50s I understand the challenges for a generation that grew up on pure hardware challenges broken up by excesses of brain damaging substances just for the sheer hell of it!!

Anyway for those still reading and interested in JPlay here are my initial thoughts:

First impressions are excellent, it took a couple of hours of listening to arrive at a conclusion as there was one of those "its different but is it better or worse" moments on first listen.
Then first thing i noticed was much more bottom end, so much so I had to dial back my sub and now I am hearing lots more detailed bottom end on tracks I thought I knew well!!!
This for me has been the initial big revalation, also in terms of general sound the only word that keeps coming to mind is Timing!
Do not ask me to explain what I mean by timing but the sound is much better for it and I have to say so far I am very impressed.

Pearse a happy 50 sumptin year old who took on the challenge and so far nothing has gone out through the window yet:-)