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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:29 pm
by tony
Ivor wrote:
tony wrote: the image of Ivor or myself sleeping with e sorbs and then reporting it improved the sq would possibly be commercial armageddom for eist audio.
I have tried 4 E Sorbs under the legs of my bed and had the best nights sleep in years! My snoring had rich plummy bass notes, was sibilance free and possessed a wonderfully wide and realistic soundstage. Next weekend I will be trying a Townshend seismic sink under my pillow.
How are they affecting your performance?[/quote]

Considerably less vibration.[/quote]

Just to clarify my sleeping advice earlier in the thread which unfortunately was typed on a tablet hence even poorer than my normal posts but according to the post below from the jplay forum Ivor needs to have the products under the covers with him for full impact! BTW The rest of this jplay post contained 100% sound advice on grounding power supplies and myriad other very worthwhile possible tweaks.The sleeping bit was just a step too far for me but if somebody takes that option and it works please let me know.

Quote"If you have reached that 80 % buy 1 and then 2 or 3 at once IPC room energizers ( white) or Acoustic energizers grey. They are identical. After listening take them to yr bedroom for sleeping Sound weird/ YES. But remember weird is only defined by yr personal expectations, not by reality itself ;)"

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:56 pm
by Sligolad
Ran the new optimiser file from AudioPhil (JPlay Member) on my Audio PC with Server Core 2012 and there was another really good lift in sound quality over the already installed optimiser script version 1 which was free.
Worth the €40 for the new optimising file for the improvement if you are running Server Core on your audio PC.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:18 pm
by Claus
The stick so kindly supplied by Nige went bad on me last night so it is on its way back to him.... It is very hard to forget what sound I had though....

Am I right in thinking Pierce, that you have a Server Core running Jplay with Jriver playing files from network storage? Or du you keep them on USB drive? If so I might ask for your assistance getting a similar setup working here... :)

I am a bit tight for space with USB on the NUC and was hoping to run dual boot system either from the SSD or with a ToGo stick. But I need a headless system where I can boot to normal Win8 when I need to use Spotify and media playback. Any suggestions?

A) I install both on SSD and somehow control which to boot to. (I only have 64GB space, so could be tight...)
B) I install Win8 on SSD and Server Core on USB3 stick. (Seems more fragile...)

Hope this makes sense... Thanks,

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:03 pm
by Sligolad
Hi Claus,
Sounds like the second stick to give up the ghost recently, I think Nigel had one go bad as well.
I bought 2 Sandisk Extreme usb3 sticks Tony recommended and so far so good, I bought the 64 GB models as the speed is higher than the 32 GB version.

I am running my laptop (control PC) with dual boot Win 7 and Win 8 and with the Sandisk USB stick giving me server core (with Audiophils script) and i have triple boot option but to be honest I leave the stick in the usb3 port and always boot in to server core off this.
I have JRiver portable edition running on the control PC with all audio files from western digital 1Tb USB 3 drive and everything works well, I also have total commander running for if I want to listen to JPlay mini but there is nothing in it that I can hear.

On my Zuma (audio PC) I have dual boot Win8 and Server Core with Audiophils script.
Again here I always let it boot to server core as Win8 is no contest.

A lot to take in there but you have plenty of options, probably best if your USB stick was something other than a Sandisk to give it another try on one or else create a small 20 - 30Gb partition and install server core.

I am off on holidays tomorrow for 2 weeks so unfortunately I cannot help you until I get back so if you want I can help you get setup when I get back.

Listening to seriously sweet music this evening after connecting in a lan isolator today and it made a great improvement. This hobby just keeps giving and giving but it is getting on the expensive side lately.....worth it though.

Cheers, Pearse.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:33 pm
by tony
Touch wood I have had no issue with WTG sticks yet. Will try to get the core server(audiophil) up and running at some stage over the next week hopefully by myself.

Have heard some very good reports on his latest beta. For this year anyway hope to get both audiopc and control on wtg core server versions but I have bought an ssd and may try that out also. If I can figure out the wiring and soldering separating out the power supplies to the various bits seems to yield big results.

I thought that would be it and now we have lan isolators in the mix!

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:56 pm
by nige2000
my kingston stick got fried as i found out after because it got a dose of high voltage
so my fault entirely not enough due care
im just about to tidy up the whole gear and leave its setup more foolproof
i went the other way on the sandisks got a 16gb and it works perfect

think frans using a nas or a pc as a nas maybe he can help you

ill see whats wrong with the kingston stick when it comes back

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:13 pm
by nige2000

i missed the bit about the lan isolators
what could you compare their performance to and what sort of effect do they have


Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:23 pm
by Sligolad
So far Nige it seems as good as going to Linear supply, going to server core and going to Audiophils latest exe.
Each of these 4 changes give almost equal improvement from what I can tell so far, incredible as it sounds.

Cheers, Pearse.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:51 pm
by nige2000
my oh my
where does it all stop
just when you think it cant improve any more

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:54 pm
by Claus
This is scary indeed! Now I am considering buying a Cirrus7 Nimbus as Audio PC and then using my NUC as Control PC in a StreamerMode setup! Which model should I go for? i5?