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Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 5:08 pm
by frd1996
I stared with Debian over 15 years ago. I was using it maybe for 2 years, then switched to Slackware for a year or so. Since that time Gentoo. Recently Gentoo/Arch.

Did have a chance to compare your mpd setup to wtfplay-live?

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 6:16 pm
by pink
it recognizes my usb dac but does not play any sound
and it could not see any other formats except flac

i think you should rather developing another distro release the tools and sources that any one could have go
but that`s only my private opinion.

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:32 pm
by frd1996
pink wrote:it recognizes my usb dac but does not play any sound
Can you elaborate on "does not play any sound"? Does it quit immediately (try playing just one file)?
I am guessing that you checked that your output is not muted (alsamixer).


Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:01 pm
by pink
alsamixer recognized both audio cards hda-intel and USB cambridge audio
but i can`t hear any sound via usb-audio

i`ll give it another go, later

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 12:26 pm
by frd1996
I read that your DAC has a possibility to switch between UAC1 and UAC2 standards. Have you tried this?
It would be great if you can provide more details.


Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 9:15 pm
by Sligolad
wtfplay 0.5 is now a serious challenger in the DSD arena, while it had unsupported capability previously to read DSD DOP files I was still blown away by its PCM sound which was a clear winner against all other players.

Now with DSD supported I have been truly amazed listening to my DSF files again on Lampi Big7.

I currently have an F-1 Xmos XU208 USB card wired by i2s direct to the DSD Board in the Big7 with 5v supplied to the card by a Paul Hynes Linear supply and DSD sounds amazing.

Hopefully Amanero can get DSD for Linux properly supported one of these days which sounds like it is almost there so lots to look forward with uwtfplay-dsd direct into the Lampizator Big 7.

2016 is again proving to be a great year for PC based playback with wtfplay coming in and raising the bar for music enjoyment.

I will get around to listening to PCM one of these days but so far enjoying the DSD experience first :-)
Well done frd1996

Re: wtfplay-live 0.5 is now available

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 5:06 pm
by satshanti
satshanti wrote:
jrling wrote:
satshanti wrote:Using uwtfplay from the command line on kernel 15. I've gone back to 2 of the default settings (-p60 -n3 in stead of -p80 -n2) and at the moment prefer -f 1024 over 2048 and 4096. The overall sound quality is a HUGE step up from the previous release, even more detail and realism.
Finally, have you tried your latest settings with Kernel 16 which I like best?
Yes, I've kept comparing kernels 15 and 16 throughout the process and this has remained consistent, my system likes 15 best. But this might change again as other parameters change. And now with this new and indeed unprecedented level of sound quality, I'm in the process of retesting my binaural settings and I'm still making incremental improvements each day.
What an amazing journey!
Well, after finding and changing the most crucial and optimal setting in my binaural conversion chain I've revisited kernel 15 vs 16, regular play vs -pcm, -f 1024 vs 2024 and after a huge detour have now finally arrived at what seems to have been the consensus all along: regular command line version of uwtfplay (not the dedicated pcm version) on kernel 16 with the 3 advanced parameters at their defaults (p60, n3, f2048).

This is definitely the best I've ever heard on my system, whatever I throw at it, it just sounds amazing!

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 8:08 pm
by pink
yes i was able to test it it kernel 15 with default setup it sounds very good, bit different than my slackware box i think more ambient, but im bit confused after rebooting mi laptop 6 times, any chance for config files and kernel setup i know there is ck-patch but wondering what else might have an impact????

anyway i have to admit it is a good project.

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:57 am
by frd1996
I am glad that you managed to give it a go. I am not sure what's the story with rebooting your laptop.
Re kernel config I cannot share it. At least for now. I believe it is too early for that.

Re: wtfplay project - it's official

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:14 am
by pink
yes, no problem i manged it myself i changed a few system settings and mpd.conf also turned on full realtime in kernel, for now i only lack of BFS as there is no patch for 4.6 kernel yet.

ps. i had to reboot to run from usb-drive vs sdd to compare.

ps2. i can source your kernel config from /proc/config.gz anyway, no point to keep it secret.