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Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:59 pm
by Seán
DaveF wrote:There will be a second hand Opus 21 available in Cloney's from Saturday. ;-)
It comes with a digital input too.
Congratulations Dave, I thought that you might take the plunge, Christmas has come early for you this year.

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:23 pm
by cybot
fergus wrote:
DaveF wrote:There will be a second hand Opus 21 available in Cloney's from Saturday. ;-)
It comes with a digital input too.
Nice one Dave....congratulations. May the Wadia serve you well!!
Does that signal the end of your love affair with vinyl :-(

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:14 pm
by DaveF
cybot wrote: Does that signal the end of your love affair with vinyl :-(

no chance!

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:33 pm
by Fran
Do you want an all in one cdp or are you open to separate transport and dac?

The likes of the hiface modded by john kenny is excellent as a transport.... you'd need a pc or laptop ....

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:36 pm
by cybot
DaveF wrote:
cybot wrote: Does that signal the end of your love affair with vinyl :-(

no chance!
Thank God for that :-)

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:22 pm
by Ken Moreland
Take a look at JK's introductory offer at ... ctoryoffer

Too good to miss, the Hiface sound is superb and he's throwing in a free Dac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:44 pm
by Claus
Thanks for those recommendations Fran and Ken! I am not sure I would be happy to only use my MacBook to play CDs. I need it in my studio a lot of the time, but separate transport and dac is an option of course. I just assumed it would get more complex and more expensive, so never really thought about it as an option. Certainly a good offer there Ken, but that would limit me to using my laptop as a source, correct?

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:52 pm
by Ken Moreland
Hi Claus, the Hiface modded or otherwise is USB in only so you'ld need a laptop , you could use your regular one or buy a special netbook but if you buy a separate external drive for about 75euro you can store 1 TeraByte on it and keep your music there. It also opens the door to hi-res files as an added bonus.

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:18 pm
by Claus
I do like to stream some music, but I still like to have a player and CDs. The same way I like records.

I think I might go for the rDac solution in the short term, unless Cloney or another shop can convince me I am hearing a huge benefit from a more expensive player. I actually cant hear much difference after changing to my Pioneer DVD/HD recorder, but that might be more of an indication of how bad the Marantz was... ;) At the same time I know my system is capable of much more than I am hearing at the moment. It is a great amp and the speakers are just doing everything right both for orchestral music and rock. So skimping too much would be a bad mistake I feel... But I know the wife won't exactly be pleased if I ask her to release 3K+ to fund CD player...
Besides from Cloney, where else is worth going for auditioning?

Re: New CD player...?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:49 am
by Fran
KronosAV probably?

They are members here so you can look them up. They also do a discount for members here, so make sure you tell them you came from here if you do end up dealing with them.
