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Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:26 pm
by mick
tony wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:37 pm
mick wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:54 am
tony wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:17 am Pushed me to check Cloneys site. They have some interesting stuff in the secondhand section at the moment. 989's, wonder are they DaveF's old pair? Kharma's,ML's
Never heard of YG acoustics maybe the price range just excluded them from my radar. Might make a trip out to hear them.
Hi Tony,
The 989's are mine unfortunately. Due to circumstances beyond my control I have to downsize somewhat. The 989's,which sound brilliant, have to move on as I just won't have the room for them.
Ah that is a pity Mick sorry to hear that. 989's need a lot of room I remember them in Ivors house and even though the room was a good size I think to get the best out of them they need circa 18 x 15ft room. Interesting to see if somebody here goes for them. What work was done on them?
My room is about 16' x 12' and I have not had any issues. They have about 3ft of space behind them which helps.
The have had a couple of panels replaced by Cloney's and a general check out.
I am using a Regen for Usb connection from one of Nigel's Usb cards.
I got the UpTone lps1 power supply for it and it was if I had added a sub.

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:21 am
by Ivor
As I was passing through Blackrock yesterday I dropped in to Cloney's for a quick drool at these speakers. Very unassuming looking floorstanders... beautiful and even understated. They were hooked up to the Pass amp/room heater and we listened to the Technics turntable initially. The sound from these small footprint was huge! Not bloated or excessive but, compared to the tapered boxes I was looking at, it was unexpected. Moving to a Copland CD player and what I presume is a test compilation it handled everything with ease. Like Simon, I did find the midrange slightly "off". Initially I thought it was wonderful (on some anonymous rock track) but as genres changed I felt the mids "hung" - if that makes any sense. They weren't quite as controlled as other frequencies. I'm nit picking here but at a €25k price tag that's allowed. I suspect, and I may be beaten to a bloody pulp for even suggesting this, that the Pass Labs amp might not be the best box to drive these. I would have loved to hear a valve amp drive them. I suspect valves might take a bit of the edge off, not that the speakers were ever shrill but once or twice I thought they were going to be before they reined the treble in. It must be said that speakers made entirely out of aluminium are going to have a long burn it time and I suspect months of use would be needed to hear them at their best. For all my niggles, and they are very very small, the YG Acoustics Camels are easily up there with the best speakers I've ever heard. Easily.

Ivan was talking about holding a listening event or two with some of the bigger speakers in the YG range. See you all there!


Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:33 pm
by tony
Ivor wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:21 am Ivan was talking about holding a listening event or two with some of the bigger speakers in the YG range. See you all there!
Yahoo I think I can do some tyre kicking at that one. Maybe Nigel will bring his amp!

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:25 pm
by HiFiFan
I have heard the Sonja a number of times. Very nice experience, certainly worth taking a short trip to listen to if Cloney bring in more from the YG range.

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:15 pm
by Adrian
I think there are several factors at play here wrt the sound quality etc, just some observations from myself.

The room downstairs is known as having its own characteristics, some forum members have described it as a difficult room to get the sound right in.

Secondly that Pass INT60 is a solid state class A. I never had a SS class A amp, I don't know much about them except they tend to be physically large, lots of heat sinks, and relatively low power ~~~around 20 -30 Watts.

Those speakers are unported so again perhaps a slight colour action there on music presentation.

How many forum members here are running a SS class A amp, i.e. A Luxmann etc?

I would imagine the majority of members here are Class AB valve amps.

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:34 pm
by Diapason
I had an old Class A Krell for a while there recently, and it was a real eye opener for me. I always expect SS to be a bit shouty, a bit bright, and not very liquid, but that Krell has none of those traits. Warm, big, open, but obviously with massive control, it was a big change from valves, but not in the way I was expecting. Actually, despite valves' reputation for warmth, I think valves bring more sparkle, life and air rather than warmth.

Anyway, I haven't heard the Pass amps so I can't comment, but I too would love to hear some good, open and fast sounding valves on those YGs. I wonder are they easy to drive?

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:39 pm
by Ciaran
Diapason wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:34 pm I wonder are they easy to drive?
My impression from Stereophile was that they'd be hard to drive, but that's the big YGs: Ivan said that the meter on the Pass showed that they weren't drawing much power at all. He said he thought they'd sound very nice with my Airtight ATM-3s driving them!

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:44 pm
by Diapason
Only one way to find out, Ciaran...

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:24 am
by Ciaran
I can resist anything except temptation.

Re: YG Acoustics at Cloney

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:25 am
by Diapason
Let me know when you have them at home and I'll pop over!!!