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Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:27 am
by tony
sima66 wrote:
tony wrote:Excellent does this mean Adam is not required to drill out his Entreq box as we have the black coal substance covered.
So we need Nige approve crocodile clips a bag of magnatite and some copper and we are in business.
Hope there is no soldering required!!
Is that magnetite for sure?!

Tony, you'll be surprised how much difference a good ground cable can make!
The only way we can be sure is when you have it examined:(

Does seem US is the only place on ebay that it is available. Maybe another trip to Healy's is required. Correction seems to be available here in powder form, tellingly it is sourced from Sveden ... ite-powder
I can sort of understand how this might work now and certainly worth investigating. Pity Pearse didn't experiment on the Entreq rather than the Mutec!! Certainly one can consider a pop at it and if failure ensues the coal and box can be burnt. the copper recycled and the crocodile clips could be sold to Nigel

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:21 pm
by sima66
jkeny wrote:
sima66 wrote:
tony wrote:Excellent does this mean Adam is not required to drill out his Entreq box as we have the black coal substance covered.
So we need Nige approve crocodile clips a bag of magnatite and some copper and we are in business.
Hope there is no soldering required!!
Is that magnetite for sure?!
I'm not sure but those pics from the open box
Image do look like the pics of magnetite sand from ebay
Tony, you'll be surprised how much difference a good ground cable can make!
Nice discovery John.
Definitely one of the things to keep in mind.......maybe a future project! :)
Of course if Tony didn't discover or make something else! :) :)

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:07 pm
by jkeny
tony wrote:
sima66 wrote:
tony wrote:Excellent does this mean Adam is not required to drill out his Entreq box as we have the black coal substance covered.
So we need Nige approve crocodile clips a bag of magnatite and some copper and we are in business.
Hope there is no soldering required!!
Is that magnetite for sure?!

Tony, you'll be surprised how much difference a good ground cable can make!
The only way we can be sure is when you have it examined:(

Does seem US is the only place on ebay that it is available. Maybe another trip to Healy's is required. Correction seems to be available here in powder form, tellingly it is sourced from Sveden ... ite-powder
I can sort of understand how this might work now and certainly worth investigating. Pity Pearse didn't experiment on the Entreq rather than the Mutec!! Certainly one can consider a pop at it and if failure ensues the coal and box can be burnt. the copper recycled and the crocodile clips could be sold to Nigel
Good find, Tony
If buying some of that from the UK I would get the natural rather than synthetic version - the fine powder form of the synthetic could be easily inhaled & cause difficulty, I would imagine

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:16 pm
by jkeny
sima66 wrote: Nice discovery John.
Definitely one of the things to keep in mind.......maybe a future project! :)
Of course if Tony didn't discover or make something else! :) :)
It's also confirmed by what is said on the Entreq site
"However, over the years we have learned more about Stay Voltage and we have developed and refined mineral and metal blends so that we currently have three more lines: Silver Tellus/Minimus, Atlantis and Olympus, as well as a large number of various Eartha cables."

So a bit of cheap DIY will show if there is anything to this but I really don't know what their method of operation is supposed to be - some form of reduction in inter-device ground currents, maybe?

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:33 pm
by tony
Thanks John it is definitely worth checking out. Sure some day I will do a blind test unknown to you all of course after I have figured out if it works or not.

Will check around to see if it is possible to get it in bigger granules I think the Entreq has larger granules. They probably have some other metal in there.

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:04 pm
by jkeny
Just looked into it a bit further & it is their method of reducing "Stray Voltages" not "Stay Voltages" as they say in their blurb. Stray Voltages are a known phenomena of voltage difference between objects that shouldn't have a difference -

In audio, it's the thing we are constantly battling - ground potentials - the Intona is doing this job through galvanic isolation (keeping the grounds apart) - so it might be interesting to hear if this Entrq approach works in some other ways? It might seem crazy (the pricing certainly does) but a quick & cheap DIY investigation seems warranted.

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:09 pm
by tony
Agree will check out if I can source larger granules as the Entreq box seems to have larger 'crystals'

Adam what are the special grounding cables used by Entreq. Brief look and I be thinking of using an interconnect?

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:27 pm
by jkeny

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:49 pm
by panda2rom
I will firstly apologize for my possible lack of understanding of english.

Euh... let me get this right.
This stuff is to create a separate electrical ground.
So you connect the ground connector of your Hifi plug(s) to this wood box ?

If your ground really suck, well.
Call a guy to redo it !
I mean it's just digging a 1 m deep hole in your garden and putting a cable in it.
In DIY store you should find the real deal if you'd fancy doing it yourself.
Then call a guy to measure if your ground is good.

And that would benefit not only your Hifi.
I mean there are other issues with electricity, but having a good ground is just really important for security purpose, like not dying :)

Re: Grounding from China!

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:11 pm
by tony
No this is not replacing your earth cabling or system in your house. This is a box with this 'stuff' in it and also in the box is copper plate or piping and a few connections on the outside of the box. If you check out the Entreq site it will explain better than me.
So for a pc for instance you would connect from the box into a usb port. For an amp you connect into an unused RCA connector and so on.
Again you could spend pennies or thousands on the cable you use to go from the box to the component.

From the pc audio view point using batteries has shown that any interference in grounds which is DC ground (Please correct me people if I am wrong) This is because of the split up of power supplies to various parts of the PC. So the hope is this stuff really does work and as John pointed out above I think stray ground currents might interfere with SQ.

So you either buy into that view and go off and buy the Entreq units with the required cables or maybe try this out for not too much money.
Basic idea is if a knocked up version does something one has an idea that it might be worth pursuing.

This type of 'tweak' I can manage. Soekris Dac I can't! If you read back through lots of my dodgy posts you will find I always had a bit of an interest in the possibility of this stuff. Just a hunch and a hope really and also Adam's view on this stuff is positive and he only does practical things :)