System Audio Rangers Sold

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Gerry D
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Re: System Audio Rangers New Price

Post by Gerry D »

I have a pair of SA Rangers too.
I love them.
Have gone through Monitor Audio GR 20's, System Audio 1530's and now listen via the Rangers.

Excellent in every respect, sonically.

Believe it or not I'm currently using them with a Cary SEI 300 [ a 300B valve integrated] and they really do sound awesome.
I wasn't sure about such a low powered amp driving these speakers but they do. No problem !

I'm working up to getting Gussy's ESL 57's ship shape - Meant to say before now: I met Tim and relieved him of those speakers - a pleasure to meet such a gentleman and
the WWW links he gave me are excellent too. Thanks again Tim !!!!

Also, the Rangers are tall and deep but as they are so slim they do look fairly discrete for such a voluminous box.

Some lucky person will get a bargain here.

Good luck with the sale.
"Quality means doing it right when no one is looking" - Henry Ford
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Re: System Audio Rangers Sold

Post by ismails »

you are saying true, its great post.
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