Re: Pink Fish DAC Blind Test Part Two
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:30 pm
Never mind all that nonsense, John... Tell me more about using elephants as room treatment.
I think you missed the point there Ivor they are for when you do blind testing. No way you can cheat and sneak a look with an elephantIvor wrote:Never mind all that nonsense, John... Tell me more about using elephants as room treatment.
He did what he always does - gathers opinion because he has none of his own, I'm afraid. Oh, except the one, which is very much an OPINION - about something he calls FOO (prize for best expansion of this acronym is a SoundBlaster card - guaranteed to be as good as $10,000 DACs).tony wrote:stout defence there John but Ashley holds all the aces his arguments are very compelling and those secret blind abx tests seal the deal. At least with my new dac it is a very large box I can find some other storage use going forward. I have just ordered my new pioneer telly with dac.
God help the poor fools who bought the Chord Hugo at best that is now rendered a paper weight by the new startling facts.
Funny thing about Max and his new speakers he no sooner had the glowing subjective review written on PFM then they were up for sale on adverts.
Ah, buyers remorse or gathered too many conflicting opinions & his goldfish bowl exploded (Tony - you know what I mean - best to explain this for other readers)Subsequently withdrawn probably on foot of him finding out this new startling evidence about all dacs sound the same.
Ah well the poor deluded fools we are, we will probably keep going despite the skyscraper of evidence Max (& pal) have put in front of us.I expect the dac experimentation thread will grind to halt now. No point in going any further on that route. It is a fools errant.
Well I believe it goes like this - the elephant in the room is the speakers but to avoid all the frequency distortion that this causes we need to treat the room with further elephants & test blind. The hardest part of all this is ignoring the farting of the elephants when listening blind - they really interfere with the sub-woofers.Ivor wrote:Never mind all that nonsense, John... Tell me more about using elephants as room treatment.
Ashley - basically you are saying that you don't believe in RT for homes, so that leaves the only spending focus left is speakers - very convenient for your business. Max, after reading the 59 cognitive biases thread on PFM, can you find a cognitive bias that might apply to this view of Ashley's? I'll let others query you on your statements about the RT side of things - you have answered my question as expected.Ashley James wrote:Before I bought half of AVI I was at ATC where much of my work was with large record studio control rooms. Because of the nature of the acoustics in these rooms, treatment was a must so I got to know the best acousticians and I experienced the dramatic differences they could make to often otherwise unuseable spaces.
Acousticians accurately measure rooms and calculate the size of traps needed to achieve an RT time that is uniform with frequency.
In my experience it is rare for homes to need treatment, we humans make our rooms quiet and relaxing to sit and talk in and it translates well except at low frequencies and in Britain people buy smaller speakers that work quite well in them.
If you're interested in learning about room treatment it's worth visiting the Sound On Sound website and reading their advice. Hugh and Paul are good friends, I've known them for many years and they know their stuff.