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Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:43 am
by cybot
Double Wow Adrian! Beautiful set -up or what???? Does the arm sound as light as you describe it? Love the unipivot sound myself.....when it's done properly.

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:04 am
by Adrian
cybot wrote:Does the arm sound as light as you describe it? Love the unipivot sound myself.....when it's done properly.
Funny you should ask that question Dermot. The Nima tonearm borrows some technology from the Artemiz II tonearm, in that the cables in the arm itself have been replaced with PCB with inlaid tracks. The arm is feather light to the touch, and with Unipivots the azimuth can be adjusted.

I've changed from a Denon DL A100, which is a good cart.. but mainly at lower volumes... at much higher volumes the detail was not getting through which was a bit disappointing. However nothing ventured, nothing gained.. currently back running the Sumiko and now looking into a Audio Technica AT33EV cart.

Trouble is that when you are into equipment which is very revealing... 801's, PH7 etc... trying to get the synergy correct becomes harder, the equipment seems to become a lot more fussy about who it is partnered with... in fact rather bitchy!!

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:44 am
by cybot
Adrian wrote:
cybot wrote:Does the arm sound as light as you describe it? Love the unipivot sound myself.....when it's done properly.
Funny you should ask that question Dermot. The Nima tonearm borrows some technology from the Artemiz II tonearm, in that the cables in the arm itself have been replaced with PCB with inlaid tracks. The arm is feather light to the touch, and with Unipivots the azimuth can be adjusted.

I've changed from a Denon DL A100, which is a good cart.. but mainly at lower volumes... at much higher volumes the detail was not getting through which was a bit disappointing. However nothing ventured, nothing gained.. currently back running the Sumiko and now looking into a Audio Technica AT33EV cart.
Trouble is that when you are into equipment which is very revealing... 801's, PH7 etc... trying to get the synergy correct becomes harder, the equipment seems to become a lot more fussy about who it is partnered with... in fact rather bitchy!!

Couldn't have put it better myself. It's hard enough getting it right with that as well! Then, when you do get it right you get bored and want to revert to a 'warmer' sound :)

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 11:16 am
by jaybee
nice Adrian, very nice!

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 11:54 am
by DaveF
Some cool looking components there Adrian. Amazed that the Leben can drive those 801's though. Are you sure you're getting the best out of them? I think we've had this conversation before in person. :-)

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:41 pm
by Adrian
Well the Leben is 32 watts... and yes if I was cranking the volume to stratospheric levels the amp would start to show it's limitations probably around 1 O'Clock etc.

Some users partnered 200 W solid state amps with 801's but for my listening levels 32 watts is just fine. If I really wanted to be picky.. 40w would be "just about right". And if I wanted to be really comfortable you would be looking at 60 to 80 watts... but you are into Jadis DA88 S or Airtight ATM 2 territory... and that's an entirely different league.

Not all music contains huge crescendos and de-cresendos with earth shattering bass.... when it comes to vocals.... a 32 watt 6L6GC valve can give stunning clarity, massive depth, big soundstage etc even at 11 O'Clock on the dial. The amp is within it's limits, is not feeling stressed and the music is not turning into garbled noise.

However... my system like all other systems does have it's's a good system... I would never say it's the best system... but it works well for me at the moment.

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:31 pm
by Steve
Good idea to rekindle this thread. I'm sure a lot of people have made changes to their systems over last couple of years and it would be very handy to have a single thread where you can see if somebody already has that new acquisition that you're considering... be it a large new component such as amp or speakers or smaller change such as brand of valve or cable etc...

So currently my setup is:

(Single) Source: Wadia 581se
Preamp: Aesthetix Calypso (rolled with Sylvania GB5751's and Telefunken 6922's)
Power Amps: Jadis JA80's (Tungsol KT120's, JJ-Tesla 12AX7's, Mullard 12AU7's)
Loudspeakers: Sonus Faber Amati Futura
Cabling: Nordost SPM Reference speaker cable and interconnects, Supra LoRad 2.5 mains cables
Misc: Solid Tech "Rack Of Silence" equipment rack, Solid Tech "Feet Of Silence" isolaters

Couple of piccies...

The less power hungry electronics...

The more power hungry electronics...

The business end...


View from the drinking, I mean listening, seat... And yes, one of the unfortunate sacrifices of having the setup in the living room is the presence of a couch in between. But pulling out speakers a fair bit from rear wall appears to negate any impact on the stereo soundstaging...

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:48 pm
by Ivor
Steve wrote: So currently my setup is:

(Single) Source: Wadia 581se
Preamp: Aesthetix Calypso (rolled with Sylvania GB5751's and Telefunken 6922's)
Power Amps: Jadis JA80's (Tungsol KT120's, JJ-Tesla 12AX7's, Mullard 12AU7's)
Loudspeakers: Sonus Faber Amati Futura
Cabling: Nordost SPM Reference speaker cable and interconnects, Supra LoRad 2.5 mains cables
Misc: Solid Tech "Rack Of Silence" equipment rack, Solid Tech "Feet Of Silence" isolaters

that sir, is a sublime and wonderful system.

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 9:34 am
by DaveF
Steve wrote: So currently my setup is:

(Single) Source: Wadia 581se
Preamp: Aesthetix Calypso (rolled with Sylvania GB5751's and Telefunken 6922's)
Power Amps: Jadis JA80's (Tungsol KT120's, JJ-Tesla 12AX7's, Mullard 12AU7's)
Loudspeakers: Sonus Faber Amati Futura
Cabling: Nordost SPM Reference speaker cable and interconnects, Supra LoRad 2.5 mains cables
Misc: Solid Tech "Rack Of Silence" equipment rack, Solid Tech "Feet Of Silence" isolaters
Stunning looking system Steve. Love the finish on those SF's. Do you polish them and secretly say goodnight to them daily? I know I would! :-D

Re: My current system is.............

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:10 am
by tweber
Loudspeakers: Sonus Faber Amati Futura
Lovely system Steve. Love the speakers.