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Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:34 pm
by Fran
Didn't get any further with this project yet (other than having bits prepared and ready to make).

But I did get a new aquarium pump for the air-bearing arm. So looks like she's working fine now. It is absolutely amazing how much better it is than the the RB300. Its just not funny.

Schroeder is the next job up now.


Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:08 pm
by Fran
So things have moved on a little with this project. I've machined out the wood for the barrel and have made the stub of the arm that holds the magnet and weight (ie the bit with the string). I've decided to do a kinda hybrid thing. The tonearm will be cocbolo (I think like the pictured arm) but with a inner shaft of carbon fibre. The idea here is that it will be very rigid, but yet have some differences in resonance along the arm. Between the wood, CF, epoxy resin, it should be very stable and rigid. I really like the look of:


so might try and go someways towards that.

Next up is the headshell. This is a reasonably critical piece of work. The plan here is to have a azimuth adjustment on the headshell (not sure if I can pull this off) but the headshell will grip on the CF inner sleeve. Looknig like aluminium is the way to go for this I think.

On the upside, I picked up a milling machine a few weeks back which should help a lot in cleaning up my err, machining skills. I'm waiting on some cutters etc etc but hopefully it will work out OK.

My approach here is to 90% finish all the bits, but leave some critical bits towards the end. That means that when it comes to final assembly, I can easily adjust some parts to achieve a good level of fit and accuracy. I wouldn't need to do this if I was on the second one, but first time out, I think its a reasonable route to take.


Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:14 pm
by Ivor
Jasus! Good luck with that Fran... the example looks amazing.

Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:58 am
by barry robin
you're gonna make-a triplanner?!!!! jasus frickin christ on a crutch!

one of the things i always liked about you was that when you'd tell me about your next project, i supected that you were mad as a hatter-and now we know for sure!

too bad i'm not in town anymore or i'd loan you mine for study purposes...


Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:25 am
by Fran
No..... not a triplanar - this one is going to be a schroder, but the headshell may end up like the triplanar......

Not that mad!!

Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:36 am
by barry robin
Fran wrote:No..... not a triplanar - this one is going to be a schroder, but the headshell may end up like the triplanar......

Not that mad!!

AAAAAHHHHHAH! only a schroeder...well, that's all right then.

oh, and yes-you are that mad...!


Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:20 am
by Fran
Yeah, well I lust for a triplanar to be honest!!

But theres just so many friggin parts that it would be pretty much impossible to make. IIRC, Mr. Triplanar was a jeweller or watchmaker.... that explains the heritage!!

The schroder choice is based on the fact that they are:

1. Well regarded in the press
2. Relatively easy to make
3. Good support from Frank Schroder on diyaudio
4. Good number made by other DIYers so handy for advice etc.

Might take some pics tonight of my progress to date...


Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:10 pm
by Rocker
I am in awe of you Fran. The unipivot arm and the parallel 'floating on air' arm are both magnificent constructions. These things make clock repairing look like first fix carpentry!!!!

Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:38 pm
by Fran
So I've made a bit more progress with this and managed to take a few pics as well. Its turning out OK-ish. Theres more work needed on the string and so on, but as a rough first fit its OK.
IMG_7248.jpg (82.65 KiB) Viewed 661 times
IMG_7253.jpg (109.4 KiB) Viewed 661 times
IMG_7249.jpg (110.25 KiB) Viewed 661 times

There's a good bit to go yet - I need to re-seat the magnet in the bottom of the armtube, get better at tying the knot that the arm is held from, clean up and polish/clean the alu.... and so on, and so on....


Re: Tonearm woes

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:52 pm
by Fran
Things moving on a bit. I cleaned up most bits, the metal is a little dirty in the pics below, but a clean before final assembly should sort that one out. She's looking better now - I need to lay hands on some brass for the counterweight and I'm waiting on some neat little grub screws to replace the rough looking M3 bolts you see all over it.
