Midlands Windfarms protest march

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Re: Midlands Windfarms protest march in Dublin

Post by jaybee »

I'm sure the figures could be argued with, but I love the

"we dont need it, I think I would like to give it back...."
Brass Bands are all very well in their place -
outdoors and several miles away....
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Re: Midlands Windfarms protest march in Dublin

Post by Rocker »

The protest march to Dublin Castle was a success. Somewhere between 850 and 1000 protesters turned up, no cars were burned, no buses hijacked and no windows broken. The small number of Gardai on duty had little to worry them in fact. There were lots of video cameras recording the protest. We got some footage on TV3 but nothing on RTE.... The newspapers too were silent when we checked the papers on Saturday. I wonder why there were so many video cameras recording us as we walked the short distance from Christchurch to the Castle. The windfarm companies checking the strength of public opposition to the proposal??? I wonder......

Hope none of you were inconvenienced by our protest. Next outing is a march in Mullingar.
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Re: Midlands Windfarms protest march

Post by Rocker »

A follow up to our Dublin march against the plan to erect 2000+ wind turbines in the midlands will take place this Saturday [27th July] in Mullingar. The meet up is at St. Pauls church car park at 2.00 p.m.

All are invited to attend what could be our last chance to save the midlands from these monsters. If you can make it, why not wear your county colours, bring a flag, a drum or klaxon horn. The entire protest is expected to take an hour and a half or so at most and note that there are plenty of restaurants, cafes and pubs in Mullingar for refreshments afterwards.

Thanks again to FRAN for allowing me to post this on his website and looking forward to seeing some of you there.
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Re: Midlands Windfarms protest march

Post by giant haystacks »

up around tyrone and fermanagh -i know many peaple who have to live with this every day and hate it -there are a few other protests also on the border with n.ireland a man who lives in switzerland would like to start a rubbish insinurator there is huge objection to this
also on a similar note in lithuania danish firms have opened pig farms cauising huge smell and noise and the smell travels huge distance using cheap labour
danish bacon
i think myself these wind turbines are going to be epedemic in years to come they can get planning anywhere it seems like chicken houses or cattle sheds are similar and if you wanted to do something to a house you would be made build in a swamp
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Re: Midlands Windfarms protest march

Post by Rocker »


Very good turnout in Mullingar. Facebook posts say 2000 protested on the streets but I thought it was more. RTE gave the protest a few seconds coverage on the News [they did not mention the protest in Dublin on 21st July]. The Nuacht on TG4 showed a lot more footage of the march and the speeches at the Market Square. The above video gives some idea of yesterdays event.

Thanks to all who turned out, will keep you posted on further developments as they happen.
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