Valve Excess

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Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:23 pm

Re: Valve Excess

Post by Steve »

I think there's possibly 2 sets of different Jadis power amps in the first photo as the JA-500's are a 4 chassis power amp as opposed to the 6 chassis seen in the first photo. Still, quite a lot of toobs alright...
I wonder how much power the setup consumes over some of the original top end Krell Class A arc welders... Mightn't be too much of a difference?
Although I guess the greatly reduced sale price indicates that cost of ownership mightn't be the strongest selling point. Still would love to hear it though!
(Saw somewhere that when changing valve types, it needs manual re-biasing... So bit of work involved if not happy with sticking with 6550's... Although 26 x KT120's would be interesting....)
Chord Electronics DAVE - Aesthetix Calypso - Pass Labs XA100.8 - Wilson Audio Alexia - Nordost Quattro Fil/SPM
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