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Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:42 pm
by terrybites
Hi Steve,

I went from Valve to SS over the last year - I think! The blurb from Dyna reads as follows..

"The L200 eliminates mechanical contacts ( switches and pots ) and wiring from the signal path. The L200 provides "perfect" channel matching right across the volume range, eliminates ageing effects of switches and pots, and gives the same level of performance throughout its entire life. It is extremely energy efficient and this was a key design goal."

So maybe it's not solid state in the purist sense. 'Electronic State perhaps.

I have an iPad/Mac/DAC set up but haven't gone directly into the power amp as I run a turntable as well. The new pre is a Dynavector L200 MKII running with the P75 MKIII phono stage. Power is courtesy of Croft Iosis valves through Sonus Faber Auditor M's.

Interestingly, the lads on 'DAC Night' at the Listening Suite made a point re the merits of letting the amp do what it was intended to do and avoid controlling volume at DAC stage.

You're welcome to call and have a listen if you like. You too Simon if it helps with your pre quest.


Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:19 pm
by Steve
Thanks for the feedback gents! Have been following one of Si's threads on preamps on Wigwam and definitely gives a flavour of the multitude of options out there... Strong consensus there that running a Wadia direct to the power amps is not the way to go.
That Audio Research LS25 looks very tempting... Is anyone familiar with the ARC house sound? From what I've read, the signature sound seems to be more reminiscent of ss rather than the sweetness of tubes? And certainly seems to be rave reviews of the Aesthetix Calypso...
Certainly agree with Si that the array of used options available at (relatively!) sensible prices does incite one to make some impulsive decisions....

Definitely agree with you Gerry, good to get an old fashioned analogue thread competing with the Computer Audio!!

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:53 pm
by fergus
Hi Steve. Personally I think that a good pre takes the listening experience into another dimension. I have the Jadis Pre (DPL)/ Power DA5 that has been mentioned. Unfortunately I cannot loan it out as it is used every day but if you want to organise a listening session with Simon I am quite willing to bring it over to be heard in your system should you want to hear an alternative to the Classe.

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:37 am
by Marcus
Hi Steve,
I totally agree with your comments. I had exactly the same experience earlier this year when I traded in my Naim CDP for a Lindemann 820S. My intention was to cut down by one box and remove the passive preamp altogether, feeding the player straight into the monoblocks.
The CDP proved to be a definite improvement, especially in a tighter bass and more precision overall, however my initial listening left me thinking that the player wasn't much of an upgrade from the Naim - I guess I was expecting that technology in CD playback had moved on some and was a bit disappointed. Then I thought, hang on, lets just see what it sounds like with the inbuilt pre disabled - surely a backward step? So out came the passive and an extra set of cables. Holy moly! This is the type of change I was expecting. More clarity and openness, that same improved bass, rock steady positioning, a resonance to the sound which made it seem more realistic - it's like two different players - and as you said - listening to hifi versus listening to music.

So that was it for me, the CDP stayed, the preamp came back from it's 'hopefully I can sell this' status to pride of place once more.

Took me by surprise anyway!

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:45 am
by Diapason
terrybites wrote: You're welcome to call and have a listen if you like. You too Simon if it helps with your pre quest.
Very kind, sir. I may take you up on that offer in due course!
fergus wrote:if you want to organise a listening session with Simon I am quite willing to bring it over to be heard in your system should you want to hear an alternative to the Classe.
If Steve doesn't want to, I'll borrow/steal his house keys and we'll arrange the session ourselves!

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:58 am
by tony
If there is room I wouldnt mind hearing that tank again oh as well as the jadis monoblocks

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:35 am
by Adrian
Great thread chaps,,, some picture of two preamps I would like to have in my system...

Copland CTA 305...


And especially this one.....

Leben RS28 CX


Perhaps one day when I win the lotto!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 1:24 pm
by jaybee
is the cp500 off your list?

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 1:39 pm
by fergus
Diapason wrote:
fergus wrote:if you want to organise a listening session with Simon I am quite willing to bring it over to be heard in your system should you want to hear an alternative to the Classe.
If Steve doesn't want to, I'll borrow/steal his house keys and we'll arrange the session ourselves!

I can also bring it down to slot it into your own system at your convenience if you wish Simon; that would save potential incarceration for breaking and entry!!

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 2:31 pm
by Diapason
jaybee wrote:is the cp500 off your list?
Yeah. Tried it, liked it, but didn't love it.
fergus wrote: I can also bring it down to slot it into your own system at your convenience if you wish Simon; that would save potential incarceration for breaking and entry!!
That might be better! Although I'm very interested to see how it fares with Steve's JA80s.