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Re: Cable Burn In Service

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:07 pm
by Ivor
tony wrote: Of course at that point in time I didnt realise that a preamp was also needed.
Only if you are using more than 2 sources. The ATM1 has 2 inputs so can be used as a "sort of" integrated.

Re: Cable Burn In Service

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:12 pm
by Ken Moreland
Tony, the amp is a Unison Research S2K ( ) currently driven by a Benchmark DAC1 via the Nanotec interconnects. I find the Nanotecs make the best of the bass compared to various others I have tried. Some day an AirTight perhaps.

Re: Cable Burn In Service

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:16 pm
by Diapason
I really must borrow those Nanotechs sometime...

Re: Cable Burn In Service

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:17 pm
by tony
Your welcome. I will let you know when I have used andys machine.

Re: Cable Burn In Service

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:19 pm
by Ivor
Andy S wrote: If anyone has a new or burnt in cable that they want me to burn/reburn in on the this machine I will be happy to do so for €7.00 for 24 hours or €10.00 for 48 hours.


I picked up a pair of Nanotech interconnects from Andy yesterday after a week of burning in. Admittedly a week is probably overkill but Andy was away and then I wasn't around to collect so it just worked out that way... it certainly won't do any harm.
As yet I've really only spent a few hours listening to these newly burnt-in cables but the improvements are both subtle and tangible. I already had huge detail in my system but following the burn in we're into levels of detail that are almost distracting. There's also a clearer sense of air and space around the soundstage and better "speed" (for want of a better word). Listening to the system I felt the interconnect had been given the dyna-rod treatment... an audiophillic enema of sorts!
Given that most of us spend significant money on cables it makes sense to spend a few bob on getting those cables working to their full potential