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Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:48 pm
by Diapason
Claus, I think when it comes to cables your only hope of hearing genuine differences (if they exist) is to live with them for a while. I know I know, human auditory memory is exceptionally poor and all that, but even with components and speakers I find I need to live with them for quite some time before I really get a handle on them.

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:59 pm
by Ivor
Claus wrote: The sound is also very 3D or something on this album....
Yep, not just left to right but back to front depth and even top to bottom.

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:03 pm
by Ivor
Diapason wrote:Claus, I think when it comes to cables your only hope of hearing genuine differences (if they exist) is to live with them for a while. I know I know, human auditory memory is exceptionally poor and all that, but even with components and speakers I find I need to live with them for quite some time before I really get a handle on them.
Whenever I have doubts about a cable (and I do get them!) I just switch back to the old ones and if the difference isn't obvious then I've been kidding myself. Once or twice I've found that the difference wasn't as great as first thought but with these speaker cables it's just a different system.

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:15 pm
by Claus
I fundamentally agree and I have heard plenty of examples where cables have improved sound quality substantially. The clearest example would be electric guitar cable, which can be truly night and day when (surprisingly) little money is invested. The other example would be the generic "licorice" interconnects vs. anything of decent audiophile quality.

I just find it frustrating how inept I am at spotting differences between for example my own 4 core DIY effort vs. the reference silver cables I have at the moment. But I think I will make a swop back to the DIY tonight and see if I am able to spot something missing. ;) I would just love to get a real improvement in sound that I was convinced I could hear. I must give Cloney a ring re those quantum power blocks etc. ;) ..... Seriously. :D

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:42 pm
by Gerry D
Ivor wrote:I think it’s the current issue of Sterophile that mentions Emmylou Harris – Wrecking Ball as one of those “discs to die for” or somesuch and it prompted me to get the old girl out again and give her a spin. Since its release in 1995 it’s been one of my favourite albums both musically and for its incredible production courtesy of Daniel Lanois. It has become something of a reference CD too. Not one that shouted “test disc” on its arrival but one that always shows improvements (or the opposite) when something in the system is changed.
I popped it on last night and wow… speaker cable again justified its existence. The snap of the snare, the plumy bass, the percussion that was coming from the very back of the studio, Emmylou’s vocals coming from five feet in front of me. Every sound in its own space.
It was a bit like listening to a re-recording or “remastered” version of an album I knew every note of – or thought I did.

I love that Emmylou album. 1 of my Top 10 of all time !
And excellent sound. Deffo.
Another couple that I use for pure enjoyment and as a reference are:

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:26 pm
by Diapason
I actually read through the entire R2D4 history on the Stereophile website over the last few days in an attempt to put together a list of interesting potential purchases. VERY few things caught my eye, I must admit.

Just a Little Lovin' would be one of the most-played discs at home. I might have to pick up the other one you suggested now.

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:45 pm
by Fran

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:48 pm
by Ivor
Gerry D wrote:Image
Nice to see somebody else likes this one. Nowhere near as impressive as "Just a Little Lovin'" but a crackin' little album all the same.

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:42 pm
by tony
Will have to investigate that one as well. Got the first after hearing it at Ivors.Will have to check out Emmylou as well. Those telleriums seem very impressive Ivor.

Re: Tellurium Q Black speaker cable.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:04 am
by Ivor
Ivor wrote:
Gerry D wrote:Image
Nice to see somebody else likes this one. Nowhere near as impressive as "Just a Little Lovin'" but a crackin' little album all the same.
Mmmm I had a listen earlier and it hasn't aged well at all. Harsh synthetic production with only "Leaving" still sounding anyway good. Mind you "Just a little lovin'" still sounds incredible.