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Re: Castle are back in business?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:12 pm
by Fran
That group are actually owned by a Chinese fella, can't remember his name.

edit: found it ... Daniel Chang.... see how young these guys are:


Re: Castle are back in business?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:29 pm
by tony
I wonder are they the entrepreneurial type that cowen's talking about in our new knowledge economy thats due shortly?
It is scary how young they are but great that they seem to be able to identify classic brands and see a market and future for them otherwise all those brands would go the way of the british car industry.
I saw a review recently for a new quad integrated valve amp and it certainly looked like a nice product.

Re: Castle are back in business?!?!?!

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:04 am
by cybot
tony wrote:I rang the uk office today just to see how much they are charging for the howards .Turns out the only ones being sold in the uk for the moment are the knights. They will see how it goes and then maybe launch other products. So the site is a bit misleading.
That compay own quad wharfedale and tag mclaren etc
As I suspected; To me it didn't make sense to release the full range from the word go. Can't wait to read the first review. Also Paul Messenger devotes a whole page to the the Knights in the current edition of HFC. I should have bought the magazine yesterday instead I got HFW. Even though Peter Comeau contributed regularly to HFW among other things, I was very surprised to see no mention of the Knights either in the current edition or their plans to review them in the next one;Though he was interviewed recently by HFW and he did mention something about resurrecting the Castle brand.Finally I wonder will Cloney Audio stock them?