Innuos Zen Mk3

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Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by leroyd » ... r/33272831

In immaculate condition. Racked since new.

Music server with 1tb of storage on board, enough storage for 2000 albums in FLAC. Currently has 500 albums stored, some in high res ( classic/prog rock). Obviously these can be deleted.
Simply insert CD into drive and within two minutes it is ripped to the hard drive. Control with your phone or pad, from the comfort of your chair, using the terrific 'sense' app.
Stream Tidal or Qobuz
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by leroyd »

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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by Dave0551 »

Did you hold on to the Innuos or sell it elsewhere
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by leroyd »

I decided to hold on to it.
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by Dave0551 »

Tnks for the reply.
Am toying with the idea of getting a Mk3 Mini, to replace my Azur 851 and also use it as a server for ripped CDs.
Would you recommend it, or any words of advice....?
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by HiFiFan »

Hopefully not derailing the thread since you are still waiting on the reply about the Innuos but I would recommend you check these out ( ... dio-server). I use the i9 Optical with an optical Rendu and am really happy with them. Good price, good performance and good support
SonicTransporter Optical i9, Roon, opticalRendu, Sonore Signare LPSU, Chord DAVE, Merrill Audio Element 116 Monoblocs, Wilson Audio Sasha 2
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by Dave0551 »

Tnks for input... but that doesn't rip/store my CD collection..... ( "real estate" in l/room is confined and at present unwieldy...)
And if I'm looking at correct units, price is €3k +
Unless I'm missing something....???
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by leroyd »

I am very happy with the Zen MK3 and had it up for sale with the intention of upgrading to the Zenith but decided to buy a new DAC and abandon any upgrade. I did contact Innuos and they were asking €2k to upgrade my Zen to Zenith spec, however I felt that this was too much of a layout.
The Zen mk3 is built like a tank and has not skipped a beat since I purchased it nearly 3 years ago. I understand the Zen mini has a similar build quality.
I am useless at tech but setting the Zen up is a breeze and
the 'Sense' app that Innuos introduced is terrific. My unit is 1 TB, enough for 3000 albums (flac). Ripping could not be simpler. Unlike the the Zen mk3, the Zen mini has the advantage of an onboard DAC. It also has the option of a power supply upgrade. Neither of these options are available on the The Zen mk3. Qobuz, Deezer, Tidal and High res Audio streaming/download work like a breeze.
Most importantly, Innuos customer support is top class.
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by HiFiFan »

Dave0551 wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:03 pm Tnks for input... but that doesn't rip/store my CD collection..... ( "real estate" in l/room is confined and at present unwieldy...)
And if I'm looking at correct units, price is €3k +
Unless I'm missing something....???

i7 would be enough, i9 is overkill mainly only needed if you want to run HQPlayer. I bought mine in US which was cheaper, sorry for not checking the price

It has a CD ripping capability, just hook up a USB CD and enable the CD import software.

For me I had already ripped everything and I just moved it from my old server (mac mini) over the network to the i9.
SonicTransporter Optical i9, Roon, opticalRendu, Sonore Signare LPSU, Chord DAVE, Merrill Audio Element 116 Monoblocs, Wilson Audio Sasha 2
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Re: Innuos Zen Mk3

Post by Dave0551 »

HiFiFan:- am sure I could get one sent / brought from States, but hooking up cd-drive / setting up rip-SW / and editing of the metadata, all adds to the workload.
Innuos appears to provide all in one box. Am hoping to move towards the more streamlined / easier route....

leroyd :- Reading posts on various Innuos models elsewhere, improvements / better sound, seem to be towards the higher ( pricier ) models.
But nice to hear good reports on the Zen and the Mini.....
The Mini also has rca o/p's, whereas the models upwards give digital out, requiring an external DAC (can be done later )
( Dunno how far I want to dive into spending for a DAC---would probs live with the Mini DAC for a while )
Couple of more Q's if OK...
Whilst ripping your CDs, did you do any Metadata edits ( Cover selections / album info / genre /playlist ) via a pc, or thru your Sense app on a phone?
Was it straight-forward ?
What DAC would you suggest that would give a noticeable improvement.?
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