check your connections

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check your connections

Post by Derek »

Just a heads up.
I found my setup was as bit weak on one channel.
When I say weak we're not talking a whole lot, it's something I've been trying to track down for a wee while.

Couldn't really get to grips with it, playing through one side then the other, all seamed ok.
Swapping interconnects made no difference, changing over the speaker cable so they were wrong sided, no difference the same side was still weak when playing with it all hooked up correctly.

I then disconnected the speaker jumpers, I've three way speakers so that was a bit fiddley, there I discovered some tarnishing on the weak side and some of the jumper strands broken.
I made up some "new" jumpers with a bit of silver wire I have, this was a pain in the arse but a very rewarding result, now sorted.

All back to how it should be.

Check your connections guys.
NigeAmp, NigeSD DAC, Airtight ATM-4, Ruark Accolades, Pink Triangle TT, Roksan Artimiz, Clearaudio Discovery, Tom Evans Microgroove Plus, Fran DAC, Dalkey Audio Interconnects.
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Re: check your connections

Post by Brutus1968 »

Good recommendation indeed!

Some time ago I had a similar problem when using the turntable; the right channel would go mute randomly during low signal passages. I thought the problem was a bad connection between the tonearm shell and the cartridge, but a good cleaning didn't solve the problem. Then one day I had a look at the signal cable between phono amp and preamp and I noticed a failure in a weld joint. Cable replaced and problem solved.
We will never do justice to our precious (and sometimes very expensive) cables if we don't keep their contact surfaces clean.

Max (spin the black circle)
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