Vinyl not better than CDs??

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Re: Vinyl not better than CDs??

Post by jaybee »

the only valid format of course being blind (drunk) a/b

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Re: Vinyl not better than CDs??

Post by Diapason »

Actually, I really like that analogy!
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Re: Vinyl not better than CDs??

Post by Rob »

Interesting article - thanks for posting. One or two points. The author says most mics are rated to 20kHz - that's just within certain +/- amplitudes as many or most mics have a curtailed output above 20 kHz. There is a bit of bias when he states "The sampling rate for CDs is 44.1kHz, meaning that CD recordings sample the master recording 44,100 times a second, and can capture frequencies as high as 20 kHz. That is about the limit of what humans can hear; at least one experiment has confirmed that listeners in blind tests can't tell the difference between recordings that include frequencies above 21k and ones that don't." Other studies report that people can perceive harmonics beyond 100 kHz, and the report cited was in reality inconclusive.
From above results, we can still neither confirm nor deny the possibility that some subjects could discriminate between musical sounds with and without very high frequency components. It is therefore necessary to conduct further repetitive evaluation tests with many subjects and various sound stimuli that contain sufficient very high frequency components, in order to examine these issues more strictly.
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