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Post by Aleg »

erin wrote:
Aleg wrote: Erin

The new solution is based on LMS (Logitech Media Server). This normally feeds a SqueezeBox Duet, Touch etc.
But someone has developed a plugin which offers a local player SqueezeLite which plays music on the local computer of the LMS.

Gordon has modified this SqueezeLite player with all the optimisaton techniques he developed building MQn. Besides those optimisations, SqueezeLite will playback using Kernel Streaming drivers (which are lower level than WASAPI of MQn) which are inside the PortAudio.dll library that Gordon also adapted. This SqueezeLite player will support all resolutions up to 384 kHz / 24-bits.

Gordon explained the initial setup in this post:
and after that you'll have to follow the thread to see which upgrades and modifications he applied next.

Worthwhile to try.



Thanks Aleg. I will probably try it on the weekend.
Though it seems I am slow, and need to now try the JULF player?
JULF Player is Gordon's new name for the LMS-based Squeezelite player, so it is the same the linked post refers to

Gordon's modifications can be found here: ... 0hkeXZtTEk
HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
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Post by nige2000 »

cvrle59 wrote:I am wondering if I scared you guys here somehow with my latest post, or everyone is busy listening this new version? No comments yet coming....
Is it as good to your ears as it's to mine?
SBGK has started a separate thread for JULF PLAYER (Previously known as MQnSqueeze)

we should try keep them separate guys

ive posted my thoughts on the julf player thread viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2606
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Post by tony »

Have I forgotten the basics of MQn? or is there an issue with the JKDAC32 playing MQn.
Have downloaded various versions of the files but while I have managed to get them working no music comes out of the speakers. Jplay works fine.
This is on both my laptops running 8.1 with no optimizations etc.
I do remember Jadarin I think tearing his hair out trying to get it to work previously

Edit: Tried the ciunas same problem no music playing. Install looks fine anybody else run into this on 8.1? I must be missing something obvious.
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Post by nige2000 »

tony wrote:Have I forgotten the basics of MQn? or is there an issue with the JKDAC32 playing MQn.
Have downloaded various versions of the files but while I have managed to get them working no music comes out of the speakers. Jplay works fine.
This is on both my laptops running 8.1 with no optimizations etc.
I do remember Jadarin I think tearing his hair out trying to get it to work previously

Edit: Tried the ciunas same problem no music playing. Install looks fine anybody else run into this on 8.1? I must be missing something obvious.
put mqn on root c:/

sometimes doesn't work on desktop for some reason
sd card player, modded soekris dac, class a lifepo4 amp or gb class a/b amp, diy open baffle speakers based on project audio mundorf trio 10's
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Post by tony »

nige2000 wrote:
tony wrote:Have I forgotten the basics of MQn? or is there an issue with the JKDAC32 playing MQn.
Have downloaded various versions of the files but while I have managed to get them working no music comes out of the speakers. Jplay works fine.
This is on both my laptops running 8.1 with no optimizations etc.
I do remember Jadarin I think tearing his hair out trying to get it to work previously

Edit: Tried the ciunas same problem no music playing. Install looks fine anybody else run into this on 8.1? I must be missing something obvious.
put mqn on root c:/

sometimes doesn't work on desktop for some reason
Thanks Nigel will give that a go and see what happens. Strange but I just realised I had always just used MQn on 2012 and R2.
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Post by m5lig »

I'm on the verge of implementing Audiophil's optimiser ,

Before i hit the enter button and get myself into a whole heap of trouble is it compatible with
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Post by nige2000 »

m5lig wrote:I'm on the verge of implementing Audiophil's optimiser ,

Before i hit the enter button and get myself into a whole heap of trouble is it compatible with
Yes I find it an improvement as long as you install the 2013 c++ redistributables update for x64
Google will find it for you

Usually best not to disable to much stuff with the optimiser as it can be a pain
Minimal server mode is good too but also more trouble
sd card player, modded soekris dac, class a lifepo4 amp or gb class a/b amp, diy open baffle speakers based on project audio mundorf trio 10's
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Post by Aleg »

Hi all

I have made some small changes to the MQn.bat file that allows me to set affinity and priority of MQNcontrol and MQNplay.
I find that putting each on a dedicated core and putting mqnplay on realtime (or high) priority has a positive effect on SQ.

In order to be able to set affinity and priority separately for these two programs I had to adapt the mqn.bat slightly.
To be able to set affinity and priority from commandline I use taggart's tasker.exe program found here: viewtopic.php?p=51794#p51794
I put tasker.exe in C:\, so change that part if you have put it elsewhere.

Because mqncontrol launches mqnplay, I have to wait until both are loaded before I can change their affinity and priority.
To be able to do this I used the command "start mqncontrol". This will launch a second command window where mqncontrol and mqnplay will be running.
The original batch program will continue with the next statements. With these subsequent statements I set the affinity and priority of mqncontrol (core 2 and normal priority) and mqnplay (core 3 and realtime priority) that have been started in the other window in the meantime (have put in a 5 sec delay to make sure they have started) and which will move all other processes to the other cores (core 0 and 1 and normal priority).

So you will end up with two command windows which both need to be kept open (as closing will revert affinity settings). All the usual programs are required for normal operation.

The new mqn.bat looks like this now (the changes begin from the line "rem lets play music"):

Code: Select all

@echo off
cd c:\musicplayer\24-bit

Title MQn - Just good music 

taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqnplay.exe /F >nul
taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqncontrol.exe /F >nul

rem net stop "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager"

del Files.txt /q

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CHCP') DO FOR %%B IN (%%~A) DO SET CodePage=%%B

chcp 65001 

paste > param.txt

rem echo off

rem file

for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt ^| FIND /I ".wav"`) do echo %%i >> File1.txt

if exist file1.txt goto :crlf

rem folder

for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt`) DO for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%%i\*.wav"') do echo %%i\%%f >> File1.txt


rem remove cr/lf from last line

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

set "firstLineReady="
    for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (File1.txt) DO (
        if defined firstLineReady (echo()
        set "firstLineReady=1"
        <nul set /p "=%%a"
) > Files.txt"

del File1.txt /q

rem CHCP %CodePage% 

set TIMESTAMP=%TIME:~0,2%:%TIME:~3,2%:%TIME:~6,2%
echo Playback commenced - %timestamp%
for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni

rem lets play music
start MQncontrol --file ".\Files.txt"

timeout /T 5
c:\tasker -set -x "mqncontrol.exe" -p normal -a 0100
c:\tasker -set -x "mqnplay.exe" -p realtime -a 1000
c:\tasker -all -x "mqnplay.exe|mqncontrol.exe" -p normal -a 0011
@echo on
My impression is that in 'realtime priority' the sounds comes just a little bit more foreward which effect I prefer over the 'high priority' and most noticeable I think is that the tones are more defined at the edges, where in 'high priority' they are just a bit more woozy, less clear. On some recordings I find the 'high priority' a bit too much with 2.71. My solution is then to use 2.59 which has a great mid-range but a little less details, so that version can withstand the more defined edges of 'high priority'.

Looking forward to your impressions.


HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
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Post by nige2000 »

i like your tasker implementation
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Post by sima66 »

I was speechless when I tried last night! I just used the same "2.73 448" for 16/44 and "2.71 Time 1" for HiRez. The change was so big that It did not come to my mind to try or to change anything else!

Can't wait for tonight! ;-)

Last edited by sima66 on Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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